Junior Guinea Pig

Hey y'all. It's been a while. A lot has changed. I'm tired so I'm going to keep things brief... my health has spiraled this summer and medical issues are eating up most of my time, energy, and money. So much so that it means I can't sustain good quality care for all my piggies any more - my family has been kindly doing the great majority of the chores for me and loaning me money for the vet, but that can't go on forever.
When I can manage it, I'm going to get nice pictures of the guineakids and post them online to find new loving, informed homes. If there is anyone in the Phoenix, Arizona region who wants some lovely babies, please feel free to PM me preemptively.
I'm keeping the oldest girls - my original four, Penny, Sage, Juniper, and Parsley, plus Heather, who is going blind. They are all over four years old and I can't bear to put them through a big change. Rosemary, who was five, would stay too, but to our great sadness she passed away quietly in her sleep one afternoon not too long ago. I'm also keeping my pair of boys, Dandelion and Briar, mostly because we have an especially strong bond. That's them in the picture being snuggle bugs. That's 7 pigs, so I need homes for 26 more. Gosh, I'm going to miss them so so so much.

Thoughts and prayers would not be amiss, I am really struggling and it's been scary. We've realized that we've got some kind of rare genetic autoimmune thing blazing through the family on my mom's side, getting misdiagnosed as all kinds of more common things (such as lupus). It's got a kill count of at least five. But the doctors say it could be a year or more of tests and procedures before they can diagnose me with confidence. In the meantime I'm swallowing upwards of 60 pills a day just trying to hold my body together. It's wild what turns life can take.