End of an Era


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 27, 2019
Reaction score
Arizona, USA

Hey y'all. It's been a while. A lot has changed. I'm tired so I'm going to keep things brief... my health has spiraled this summer and medical issues are eating up most of my time, energy, and money. So much so that it means I can't sustain good quality care for all my piggies any more - my family has been kindly doing the great majority of the chores for me and loaning me money for the vet, but that can't go on forever.

When I can manage it, I'm going to get nice pictures of the guineakids and post them online to find new loving, informed homes. If there is anyone in the Phoenix, Arizona region who wants some lovely babies, please feel free to PM me preemptively.

I'm keeping the oldest girls - my original four, Penny, Sage, Juniper, and Parsley, plus Heather, who is going blind. They are all over four years old and I can't bear to put them through a big change. Rosemary, who was five, would stay too, but to our great sadness she passed away quietly in her sleep one afternoon not too long ago. I'm also keeping my pair of boys, Dandelion and Briar, mostly because we have an especially strong bond. That's them in the picture being snuggle bugs. That's 7 pigs, so I need homes for 26 more. Gosh, I'm going to miss them so so so much. :bye:

Thoughts and prayers would not be amiss, I am really struggling and it's been scary. We've realized that we've got some kind of rare genetic autoimmune thing blazing through the family on my mom's side, getting misdiagnosed as all kinds of more common things (such as lupus). It's got a kill count of at least five. But the doctors say it could be a year or more of tests and procedures before they can diagnose me with confidence. In the meantime I'm swallowing upwards of 60 pills a day just trying to hold my body together. It's wild what turns life can take.
I’m sorry to hear your health has taken a downturn. I have everything crossed that you can get a diagnosis within a year and start to be able to manage it.

Sorry you’re having to give up some of your pigs. Please, if possible surrender them to a rescue. They will be more stringent about where they go. If you decide to do a private person, you won’t necessarily know their setup etc.

Do contact some of the rescues in the list below (within reasonable distance as I know US is HUGE!) and see who may be able to take them on. Good luck and I hope you find them somewhere suitable to go soon.

Guinea Lynx :: US Guinea Pig Rescue and Shelter Organizations
I initially tried contacting my local rescues, but they are all full to the brim! I'm on waiting lists but I doubt anything will come of it anytime soon.

I got some experience vetting people myself when I found homes for five of the six babies that were born after I got the pregnant girls. I have a list of questions to ask tabout housing and diet and whether they have done their research, and I ask to see the cage setup either in person or via photos. I was really happy with where they went. They not only get good care, they are very loved. I get pictures and videos of them sometimes and they look happy as clams. So I'm going to do the legwork myself again.

I am super happy to report that 8 pigs will likely be returning to their original humans that brought them to me. 🤗 They both had some adverse life circumstances at the time that are no longer factors, and were heartbroken to give them up. It warms my heart to be able to give them back to people who love them after all this time.
I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues. Life is strange and you never know what it will throw at you.

Good luck finding homes for your lovely piggies.

Good luck getting a diagnosis and hopefully getting on the road to recovery. Sending hugs and healing vibes your way. ❤️
Sorry about your health issues. That must be very wearing for you.
I’m sorry it means giving up some of your piggies, a tough decision but made out of love for them and concern for their wellbeing.
Hope everything works out for you.
I’m so sorry your health is not good, hope it improves x
Good luck with rehoming your piggies, I hope you can f8nd lovely homes for them 😊
Sending you the biggest and squeeziest of hugs! Sending lots of love your way and I hope you can be on a path to healing soon. Xxxxx