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New Born Pup
Jan 24, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I realise I sound (and feel!) like the worst guinea pig mum, but I’ve just accidentally given one of my guinea pigs the wrong medicine with the wrong dosage, thinking it was hers. We have two medical piggies at the moment and their bottles look v.similar. D:

Anyway, I’ve just given my one girl 0.4ml of Emperid, thinking it was her Frusol. The piggie it’s perscribed for has 0.1ml, so my question is, will she be OK with the large dose? I’m worrying out of my mind! I feel awful. I’d just like to know if there’s anything I should do, if anyone knows.

Thank you so much!
Hi everyone,

I realise I sound (and feel!) like the worst guinea pig mum, but I’ve just accidentally given one of my guinea pigs the wrong medicine with the wrong dosage, thinking it was hers. We have two medical piggies at the moment and their bottles look v.similar. D:

Anyway, I’ve just given my one girl 0.4ml of Emperid, thinking it was her Frusol. The piggie it’s perscribed for has 0.1ml, so my question is, will she be OK with the large dose? I’m worrying out of my mind! I feel awful. I’d just like to know if there’s anything I should do, if anyone knows.

Thank you so much!


How much is your piggy weighing? With a 1 kg piggy you should have no problems whatsoever; they can have even more.

How much is your piggy weighing? With a 1 kg piggy you should have no problems whatsoever; they can have even more.
She’s 1.14kg - thank you SO much! Gosh, I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Lesson learnt to check their bottles 5 times before giving it to them!
She’s 1.14kg - thank you SO much! Gosh, I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Lesson learnt to check their bottles 5 times before giving it to them!

I would recommend that you have a little differently coloured dish or bowl with their separate stuff. You may also colour code the labels with a marker and if needed even the syringes. It does really help. Always double-check the label for the correct dosage after you filled the syringe.

0.1 ml emeprid for a piggy that size is the absolute minimim dose. What is it for?
I would recommend that you have a little differently coloured dish or bowl with their separate stuff. You may also colour code the labels with a marker and if needed even the syringes. It does really help. Always double-check the label for the correct dosage after you filled the syringe.

0.1 ml emeprid for a piggy that size is the absolute minimim dose. What is it for?
I would recommend that you have a little differently coloured dish or bowl with their separate stuff. You may also colour code the labels with a marker and if needed even the syringes. It does really help. Always double-check the label for the correct dosage after you filled the syringe.

0.1 ml emeprid for a piggy that size is the absolute minimim dose. What is it for?
That’s a really good idea - thank you! I’ll definitely do that, I’ve been meaning to get separate little tubs for the meds with their names on. They’re both going to be on their separate meds long term, so I think a colour code is needed too!

That’s good to know, thank you. The Emeprid is for Spice - the vet suspects something could be up with her heart, and due to her slightly faster breathing, she’s getting a little bit of gas in her tummy. She’s on it alongside Fibreplex for when her tum’s a bit bloated and it seems to have helped. She’s back in a couple of weeks for a checkup to see how she’s getting on. 🤞🏻 She’s also suffering with arthritis, bless her, so she’s on dog Loxicom, too.