Nic bee
Junior Guinea Pig
Help! I am completely in love with my 2 piggies. They live in my lounge and get cuddled every night and have time in their run every day. They are the most pampered piggies. They were both rescues and are now 5&6 both showing their age, but both completely happy.
I'm moving house/country in Dec and cant take them with them. They're used to such a quiet life, I can't face putting them in a rescue and nobody will want to take 2 ageing pigs if I do (one is on/off medicine for his teeth). It's breaking my heart... My friends all have dogs or aren't into furbabies. X
I'm moving house/country in Dec and cant take them with them. They're used to such a quiet life, I can't face putting them in a rescue and nobody will want to take 2 ageing pigs if I do (one is on/off medicine for his teeth). It's breaking my heart... My friends all have dogs or aren't into furbabies. X