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Emergency vet visit - laboured breathing


Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 4, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I’m just waiting to be seen at an emergency vets as Bertie took a turn for the worse today. He’s been treated for an ongoing respiratory infection, and is on his second antibiotic as the first didn’t seem to help. This morning he was obviously not happy, and has laboured breathing (sides puffing in and out) and noisy congested sounds as well. The emergency vets aren’t exotics (but are the out of hours for my usual exotic vets). I’m just worried they aren’t exotic specialists and so does anyone have any advice on what else the vets can be doing for Bertie please? He’s 6 years old now, so I’m thinking it might be the end for my little guy. Thanks in advance.
We’re just back now. The emergency vets rang my exotic vets and he’s got another antibiotic and some gut stimulants. I’ve given him some syringe feed and he’s nibbling on some romaine now. Thanks for the well wishes. It’s always during out of hours isn’t it when there’s an emergency!
Of course it is. They like to keep you on your toes. Glad he’s seems a little better.
Just an update - Bertie seems a little bit better today. His breathing seems a bit less strained and less noisy. His appetite has also increased. He’s not out of the woods but fingers crossed he’s on the right path.
Further update: Bertie saw his usual exotic vet for a checkup. His breathing is still faster than it should be and he’s been prescribed an additional diuretic as there is potential fluid build up in his lungs. In typical Bertie fashion, post vets his breathing is more noisy again on and off, but doesn’t seem as laboured. He has a good appetite though which is a good sign. I’m still syringe feeding as his weight is stable now, but has suffered a drop since his onset of illness. So my fingers are still crossed for him.