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Deleted member 148334

I went to get carrots and my I came back and one of my guinea pigs (I have two) starting doing a weird thing with his mouth and it looked like he was smiling then he starting twitching so I got worried and took him out of the room and later he starting have a spasm or a seizure and putting his arm in and breathing loud and crying and the white part of his eye was coming out and then he went back still but then it happened again and so on and it whenever I moved him it happened again, and he won’t eat not even vegetables and he won’t drink and he won’t sleep for about 3 hours now so I am very worried, please please help.
I hope your piggy managed to see a vet.
Please update us when you have the chance - we are here to support you.
I hope you managed to get your piggy seen by a vet. Thinking of you. ❤️
I’m sorry to hear this. Please have your piggy, if you have not already, seen by a vet. From your description this sounds like a seisure. However, not being a license medical professional I can only take an educated guess.

Please let us know how your beloved piggy makes out. Good luck and godspeed.
Thank you guys, when this happened all the vets were closed and I called so many but the ones that answered only did cats and dogs, every time I pick up my guinea pig or he tried to move he would move weirdly, his arm would go in and his leg would go out and it seemed like he couldn’t control it and he was breathing hard and his poop was small and slimy and he kept shivering and crying, it was really really sad and he wouldn’t eat or drink so I didn’t know what to do I tried to feed him and take care of him but then he died and there was white stuff in his eyes while they were closed and I barried him next to my other guinea pig (sprout) who he used to play with before sprout died. I am really sad and my eyes are swollen because he was my baby and I loved him so much and he used to lick my nose and lay down with me and his name was willie and now I only have newt and he and willie fought sometimes and he doesn’t seem very sad about it but, I will really miss willie he was about only 3 and I wanted to do so much more with him and now I feel like my room is lonley and empty without him. This is really long thank you if you read it even tho I’m a random stranger. I hope you guinea pigs lives a long good life, like I wished for willie and sprout my baby’s, and wishing for newt 🌱.
I went to get carrots and my I came back and one of my guinea pigs (I have two) starting doing a weird thing with his mouth and it looked like he was smiling then he starting twitching so I got worried and took him out of the room and later he starting have a spasm or a seizure and putting his arm in and breathing loud and crying and the white part of his eye was coming out and then he went back still but then it happened again and so on and it whenever I moved him it happened again, and he won’t eat not even vegetables and he won’t drink and he won’t sleep for about 3 hours now so I am very worried, please please help.
Thank you guys, when this happened all the vets were closed and I called so many but the ones that answered only did cats and dogs, every time I pick up my guinea pig or he tried to move he would move weirdly, his arm would go in and his leg would go out and it seemed like he couldn’t control it and he was breathing hard and his poop was small and slimy and he kept shivering and crying, it was really really sad and he wouldn’t eat or drink so I didn’t know what to do I tried to feed him and take care of him but then he died and there was white stuff in his eyes while they were closed and I barried him next to my other guinea pig (sprout) who he used to play with before sprout died. I am really sad and my eyes are swollen because he was my baby and I loved him so much and he used to lick my nose and lay down with me and his name was willie and now I only have newt and he and willie fought sometimes and he doesn’t seem very sad about it but, I will really miss willie he was about only 3 and I wanted to do so much more with him and now I feel like my room is lonley and empty without him. This is really long thank you if you read it even tho I’m a random stranger. I hope you guinea pigs lives a long good life, like I wished for willie and sprout my baby’s, and wishing for newt 🌱.
Thank you guys, when this happened all the vets were closed and I called so many but the ones that answered only did cats and dogs, every time I pick up my guinea pig or he tried to move he would move weirdly, his arm would go in and his leg would go out and it seemed like he couldn’t control it and he was breathing hard and his poop was small and slimy and he kept shivering and crying, it was really really sad and he wouldn’t eat or drink so I didn’t know what to do I tried to feed him and take care of him but then he died and there was white stuff in his eyes while they were closed and I barried him next to my other guinea pig (sprout) who he used to play with before sprout died. I am really sad and my eyes are swollen because he was my baby and I loved him so much and he used to lick my nose and lay down with me and his name was willie and now I only have newt and he and willie fought sometimes and he doesn’t seem very sad about it but, I will really miss willie he was about only 3 and I wanted to do so much more with him and now I feel like my room is lonley and empty without him. This is really long thank you if you read it even tho I’m a random stranger. I hope you guinea pigs lives a long good life, like I wished for willie and sprout my baby’s, and wishing for newt 🌱.
I'm so sorry for your loss, he was clearly loved, rest in peace sweet piggie ❤