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EMERGENCY HELP! Baby guinea pig mites


New Born Pup
Dec 20, 2022
Reaction score

I'm a new piggy owner and I am worried for my male baby guinea pig, he's about 1-2 months old. 2 weeks ago, I got him from a pet shop. Bringing him home, I noticed he got a white hard thing in his hair on his neck (Idk how to insert an image). I didn't notice him excessively scratch and he seems unbothered by the thing. But I trusted my guts and brought him to the vet 3 days ago. I could tell the doctor wasn't an exotic vet as she seems hesitant. Anyhow, she scraped the thing and see under the microscope and said it was mites. She then continued to put Advocate but in small amount. But today, 3 days after the visit, I noticed he's scratching more and he sneezes more than 5 times in a 10 minutes period. He's been eating normally and drinking normally, he wheeks whenever he hear plastic rustling and hay rustling. His droppings are fine too. I've been feeding him some slices of green bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots. I am a new piggy owner and I don't know if I'm just paranoid or I must really be worried. I don't know what to do, I am so anxious, please help.
Hi, so sorry I have just come across your post now. How is your piggie? All I can suggest is another vets visit. Make sure you voice all of your concerns and mention all symptoms, scratching, sneezing etc. Is there any way you could get your piggie an appointment with an exotics vet?