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Emeprid after Baytril overdose. Causing diarrhoea?


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 27, 2018
Reaction score
UK, North Lincolnshire, Scunthorpe
Hi there. I’m hoping to get some advice about my little boy, Milo.
Milo was taken to the vet 2 Sunday’s ago after I noticed a sniffle and loss of appetite. The vet diagnosed him with a chest infection and he was prescribed Baytril. 2.5% oral solution 100ml to be given 1ml twice daily. I was offered emeprid but I already had some at home. I asked for an injection of antibiotics straight away so it was in him and working.
Milo was taken home and settled. He went completely off food straight away so I started syringe feeding him every 4hrs, roughly 20-30mls at a time. This is still the case today.
After a couple of days of me thinking he was on a big dose because of the severity of his infection, Milo was getting worse. Very sleepy, diarrhoea and no appetite at all.
I stopped the Baytril and called the vets. A different vet checked the dose and confirmed that it was too much. She told me to lower the dose and to continue with emeprid to help with his appetite.
After checking online regards overdose and it’s toxicity I didn’t continue with the Baytril also Milos sniffle had stopped.
Milo improved. He started eating grass and dill. Not massive amounts but some. I still continued syringe feeding and giving him water with probiotics.
It’s been a few days now and he’s not doing so well. The diarrhoea is back.
What I want to know is shall I stop the emeprid and carry on force feeding but add more fibre and pro biotics? Also. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.
The vets in my area really don’t seem that interested and the most I’ve gotten is, well there’s not much to do for guineapigs 😞


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Hi there. I’m hoping to get some advice about my little boy, Milo.
Milo was taken to the vet 2 Sunday’s ago after I noticed a sniffle and loss of appetite. The vet diagnosed him with a chest infection and he was prescribed Baytril. 2.5% oral solution 100ml to be given 1ml twice daily. I was offered emeprid but I already had some at home. I asked for an injection of antibiotics straight away so it was in him and working.
Milo was taken home and settled. He went completely off food straight away so I started syringe feeding him every 4hrs, roughly 20-30mls at a time. This is still the case today.
After a couple of days of me thinking he was on a big dose because of the severity of his infection, Milo was getting worse. Very sleepy, diarrhoea and no appetite at all.
I stopped the Baytril and called the vets. A different vet checked the dose and confirmed that it was too much. She told me to lower the dose and to continue with emeprid to help with his appetite.
After checking online regards overdose and it’s toxicity I didn’t continue with the Baytril also Milos sniffle had stopped.
Milo improved. He started eating grass and dill. Not massive amounts but some. I still continued syringe feeding and giving him water with probiotics.
It’s been a few days now and he’s not doing so well. The diarrhoea is back.
What I want to know is shall I stop the emeprid and carry on force feeding but add more fibre and pro biotics? Also. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.
The vets in my area really don’t seem that interested and the most I’ve gotten is, well there’s not much to do for guineapigs 😞

Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry for your ongoing problems. An overdose of baytril can really wreak havoc on the gut bacteria that are crucial for the digestive process.

Are we talking soft or runny poos?

Diarrhea in the proper medical sense means runny poos and should be seen by a vet. By all means continue with the emeprid.

If it is just soft poos, please take him off any fresh food and continue to syringe feed with hay based recovery formula until the poos have firmed up again for at least 24, but better 48 hours. See a vet if problems reappear.

Instead of probiotics, I would strongly recommend to either order fibreplex, which can be effective with digestive issues/loss of appetite caused by a bad reaction to antibiotics or to make 'poo soup', which if made from the poos of a healthy piggy as soon as they appear, can really help to restock the guts with the needed gut fauna. Soak the fresh poos in a little water and then syringe the water. Do this twice daily. The fresher the poo soup, the more of a chance the gut bacteria have to get where they are needed and the more effective it is. This mimics natural behaviour.
Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links
Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry for your ongoing problems. An overdose of baytril can really wreak havoc on the gut bacteria that are crucial for the digestive process.

Are we talking soft or runny poos?

Diarrhea in the proper medical sense means runny poos and should be seen by a vet. By all means continue with the emeprid.

If it is just soft poos, please take him off any fresh food and continue to syringe feed with hay based recovery formula until the poos have firmed up again for at least 24, but better 48 hours. See a vet if problems reappear.

Instead of probiotics, I would strongly recommend to either order fibreplex, which can be effective with digestive issues/loss of appetite caused by a bad reaction to antibiotics or to make 'poo soup', which if made from the poos of a healthy piggy as soon as they appear, can really help to restock the guts with the needed gut fauna. Soak the fresh poos in a little water and then syringe the water. Do this twice daily. The fresher the poo soup, the more of a chance the gut bacteria have to get where they are needed and the more effective it is. This mimics natural behaviour.
Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links
Hi. Thank you so much for your response and advice. I’ve just ordered the fibreplex but will use poo soup till it arrives.
His poops vary between a rush of smush then softer formed poops afterwards to soft smushy formed poops alone. Lots of little ones also at times.
Thank you again for your reply. I’m trying so hard but just can’t seem to get weight on him. He looks at me with such mistrust now. He hates being hand fed bless him x
Hi. Thank you so much for your response and advice. I’ve just ordered the fibreplex but will use poo soup till it arrives.
His poops vary between a rush of smush then softer formed poops afterwards to soft smushy formed poops alone. Lots of little ones also at times.
Thank you again for your reply. I’m trying so hard but just can’t seem to get weight on him. He looks at me with such mistrust now. He hates being hand fed bless him x

The little poos indicate a phase of not eating enough. Please weigh daily at the same time (like before feeding dinner) and if necessary step in with syringe feeding fibre promptly. Over 80% of the daily food intake is hay, but it cannot be controlled by eye and is often the first food group that is dropped.
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

You need so see a vet if there is another episode.
I’m feeding him every 2-3 hours today, with drinks of water in between and during which I’ve been doing since he got poorly. He’s nibbles on some dill this morning and a few strands of hay.
He’s at the vets later on tonight. All they tell me is there’s not much they can do for guineapigs. I’ve been to 4 different vets with various members of my herd. I always leave feeling like an idiot.
He hates syringe feeding but I’m able to get 30-40mls into him each time.
I also give him a vitamin c tablet everyday with water.
If you add your location to your profile, then somebody may be able to help you locate a vet.
If you’re in the UK, There is also the vet locator at the top of the page which may be of use?