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Dental Elongated roots the issue?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Hi there, my 2 year old boar, Albert, is very poorly at the moment.
He stopped properly eating for himself 26th April. Upon initial exam his teeth were fine and his guts were quiet. Trialed him on Ranitidine (Zantac) and Metoclopramide for 5 days and if not improvemt then back to see our Vet.
No improvement over weekend, gave him an injection of B12 to try and perk him up. Nothing changed.
Back in on Tuesday to get xrays and his teeth done. He was given a light sedation and it was only then we were able to see that his front molars were growing over his tongue and trapping it! Happy days we thought, trimmed them down and then took xrays.
No impaction or foreign body in guts, however, his skull xrays showed that he has elongated roots on his lower molars. These look quite bad on the xray - like looks like they're already into his jaw. So, we then gave him a dose of vetergesic and some steroid (hence why no metacam used).
Since then there has been no improvement. He can't eat by himself, any attempt is either him just ripping the food up or it falling out of his mouth. His incisors were not touched and are fine.
I'm really at a loss - he's gone from initial weighing when he was first presented - at 1.18kg to now being 1.035kg as of today. We're syringing him as much and as often as we can but it's hard to know what to do now. He's on injectable metacam of 0.05mls once daily.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, we're really worried about him!
P. S I've hopefully attached his xray to show his elongated roots


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We get a lot of piggies arrive here at TEAS with an elongated roots diagnosis. However, once the crowns of the teeth are filed correctly, the roots are really not a problem. Tooth roots are meant to grow into the jawbone. If they didn't, the teeth would fall out. We see a lot of guinea pigs with dental disease and the roots are not the problem, it is the fact that the crowns of the teeth aren't correct.
So they're meant to have elongated roots? I'm a bit confused if that's what you're saying?
He's has his teeth done so, what do you think is the issue then if it's not his roots annoying him?
I'm looking into the Chin Sling for him as I've read it does wonders for piggies suffering from elongated roots!
Has anyone else heard of or tried a Chin Sling?
So they're meant to have elongated roots? I'm a bit confused if that's what you're saying?
He's has his teeth done so, what do you think is the issue then if it's not his roots annoying him?
I'm looking into the Chin Sling for him as I've read it does wonders for piggies suffering from elongated roots!
Has anyone else heard of or tried a Chin Sling?
The reason he won’t be eating is because the crowns of the teeth aren’t right. Chin slings are useless. I run a sanctuary for guinea pigs with dental issues and if you get the crowns of the teeth right, the guinea pig will eat.
The reason he won’t be eating is because the crowns of the teeth aren’t right. Chin slings are useless. I run a sanctuary for guinea pigs with dental issues and if you get the crowns of the teeth right, the guinea pig will eat.
What is the solution then? Cause I have the same problem with my 3yold baby, we are still with faith using the chingsling and he was not eating anything (just with critical care) and now he is at least trying, not hay but some leaves and the soft part of hay, but nothing significant, but we have seen some improvement since the chingsling but each 2 weeks he has had molars trimming
What is the solution then? Cause I have the same problem with my 3yold baby, we are still with faith using the chingsling and he was not eating anything (just with critical care) and now he is at least trying, not hay but some leaves and the soft part of hay, but nothing significant, but we have seen some improvement since the chingsling but each 2 weeks he has had molars trimming
The teeth need to be right, for the guinea pig to be able to eat. We have so many guinea pigs arrive here, unable to eat for themselves, despite having many rounds of dental work done, without success. However, once our very experienced vet has filed the teeth, the guinea pig will start to eat for themselves. If you feel the chin sling is helping then by all means continue with it, but I have never had to use one.
I understand but sorry, what you mean by filling the teeth right, he has been under GA and having the teeth trimmed, just that, the ones needed, mostly molars, he got a blood work and it showed that he has high cortisol, we are waiting for the treatment but i think the teeth are long again and he would have to get anoter dental, send you the xrays, they say is elongated roots and theres one protuberance on his left jaw


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Our vet does conscious dentals and files the molars. By using a small file, he can get them to exactly the right size and shape and remove any spurs. Once he has done that, the guinea pig starts to eat. Unfortunately many vets are not particularly experienced with dental work, in guinea pigs. The problem is, if they don't start eating again quickly, the teeth overgrow again within days.
Oh but what he does is not trim?, Yes, two weeks he had the next one :( you have the number on the clinic to see if I can send them a WhatsApp or something to see if they can help me, I can pay but as I'm from chile I can't go :(
Oh but what he does is not trim?, Yes, two weeks he had the next one :( you have the number on the clinic to see if I can send them a WhatsApp or something to see if they can help me, I can pay but as I'm from chile I can't go :(
How’d it go mine’s getting one tmw and I’m scared for him he’s gonna be under anesthesia