Eliza feeling left out?

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Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
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Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
As some of you may be aware, my guinea pig Connie is on antibiotics at the minute so is getting lots of love. Her sister Eliza is also getting lots of love but by the way she is acting, its as if she is feeling left out as Connie is taken out of the hutch twice daily to have her antibiotics. Since all this has started, Eliza has became much more loving for example, when they are out in their indoor pen, She will kind of stand on her back legs to be picked up. Also, earlier today, the 2 of them were playing on the stairs and when I went up the stairs, Eliza came running up the stairs after me wheeking. It is just strange as Connie has always been more affectionate than Eliza. Is it possible for a guinea pig to feel left out? I don't do it intentionally xx
maybe, or maybe she just appreciates you more as she can see the love and affection you give and how you're nursing her best friend back to health x
Poor Eliza

Hi Claire, Poor Eliza, sounds as if she does feel left out, they are not as daft as people think. We have just brought a boar called him Archie about three weeks ago he is very playful, lots of popcorning when you chase him with you hand, very funny to watch. Went back to the pet shop the other day and his cage mate has been left all alone he looks very sad sitting in the corner on his own, i feel guilty, but i can't get him because he would fight with Archie as we already have the two females Pinkie and Rosie living in the cage next to him.:( Give Eliza lots of fuss and attention. I am going out this afternoon to pick our Guineas some herbs from the wild, that makes them purr when i give it to them. Go on a web site called "shelled warriors" and look in the gallery it gives you loads of ideas what you can pick up from the hedgerow, be warned it becomes an obsession though, but costs you nothing and they love it. Ta Tar for now. Sharon S.
Aaaw bless her . it sounds like she is feeling left out ,lol or it could be what claire said she relises your trying to help her firend get back to full heatlth and could be trying to help ,lol
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