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Elderly piggy with ear infection


New Born Pup
Dec 17, 2023
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Hello Everyone, I'm new to the forum ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm after some advice! I've been reading this forum for years and took so much advice from it, including syringe feeding, diet and guinea pig first signs of illness. So I know no other place to ask for help!

My elderly piggy Peanut (well over 6 years old, nearly 7) was having some concerning symptoms: not eating hay or nuggets, losing weight, tilting her head to the side when eating veggies. I was syringe feeding her for a few days before I took her to Cat & Rabbit Care Clinic (that was 3 days ago). She was thoroughly checked. I was told it's either a gum infection or ear infection, unfortunately hard to tell exactly without an x-ray. Due to Peanut's heart murmur (age related and not a major concern as per vet's advice), Kim told me it's a good idea to start slow, as anything is high risk for her at the moment, including anaesthesia for the x-ray, or a course if antibiotics.
She was prescribed Loxicom 0.3ml twice daily to see if this will help with the infection. Kim said we should see improvement after 24-48hrs.
It's been 3 days and no improvement ๐Ÿ˜” I'm at loss as to what to do next. I do have a follow up appointment in a few days, but I'm worried about getting her on antibiotics. Last time she had to take them, it made her very poorly, she lost her appetite, had severe diarrhea as well.
I had to force feed her syringe food and she was on gut stimulants for a very long time, but eventually after a lot of time, pain and effort, she pulled through.
That was 3 years ago. She's now much older and has a heart murmur, so I am worried this would be the thing that would kill her ๐Ÿ˜”
She had such a long happy life until now, I am really torn as to what to do ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
Hi, I would be guided by what Kim says, she and Simon are both excellent piggy vets. If she thinks antibiotics are the best way to go make sure she is aware of what happened before, there maybe a different antibiotic they can use which your piggy won't be as reactive to and the gut motility drugs could be started sooner than before.
I know how hard it can be but would also say to have a conversation with Kim about quality of life and the possibility of just focusing on palliative care vs the risks of treatment and investigation.
It can be so hard with our elderly piggies knowing what to do for the best, I hope Peanut is able to have many more happy todays with you x
Thank you so much for your reply.

Kim already pre warned us that antibiotics will certainly be high risk for her, but ultimately, it would be our decision, but let's take it one step at a time and start with Loxicom.
To be honest, it sounded to me like due to her age, there aren't that many options, and it would be choosing between a possibility long painful road with a rather small chance of recovering, or just giving up on her. That's an impossible choice to make ๐Ÿ˜”
I am so sorry for you, dealing with making decisions around end of life is so so hard. If you decide not to go ahead with further treatment that is 100% OK. Please don't think of it as giving up on her, it is making a decision about what you believe to be best for her, putting her needs first. Deciding not to go ahead with treatments/ investigation for very poorly or elderly piggies can often be the kindest although hardest decision we ever make for them. If you do decide to try antibiotics, etc, have an honest conversation with Kim first and decide in advance, on a clear cut off point, where you will say enough is enough.
I wish you the very best x
Hey All, just wanted to update you, unfortunately Peanut passed away..
After still not eating while on Loxicom, we decided to try the antibiotics. She was very brave and we were all being patient with gut stimulants and syringe feeds, but despite our best efforts, we found her in her forever sleep the other day. Needless to say I do feel guilty as I know her last days were painful ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
The vets did warn us this could be the case, but we didn't know what else to try ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
Hope she knew we fought for her because we loved her x
Iโ€™m so sorry to hear that your beloved Peanut passed away. You did what you could for her given the circumstances and she will have known that she was deeply loved. Sleep tight little one โค๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ