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Eevee is having diarrhea, what can I do?

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My poor piggy has been having diarrhea for about 24 hours, and she has gone off her dry food but still picking on veges and hay. I syringe fed her some Oral rehydration salts and she seemed glad to drink it. What can i do for her now? I cleaned out her litter pan and part of her cage where she pooped all over.

The vet hospital is 20 minutes drive away, will a trip there in my car stress her out further and make her worse? There is another vet nearer to my house but he doesnt know much about small animals. Can I just get meds from him without bringing my piggy in? If so, any idea what meds are usually prescribed for a piggy with diarrhea? I'm afraid he might prescribe some "generic small animal"\ diarrhea meds" that might not be suitable for her.

She has lots about 20 g since Friday. Is this very serious? I have no idea what caused the diarrhea, but she has been eating less for the past 3 days then had diarrhea from last evening till now.
Pigs with diarrhoea can go downhill extremely fast. Is it watery or just soft? If she is not eating properly she MUST be handfed, preferably with critical care or science recovery. Their digestive systems shut down if they don't get enough food.

She really needs a cavy savy vet asap. Until you get to the vet cut out the veggies and offer her a TON of hay along with her regular food. You will need to see the vet before they will prescribe anything - remember to get a probiotic as antibiotics can make diarrhoea worse.
I was get Eevee to a vet ASAP. I echo everything that DSL said! She should be ok on the journey, good luck and let us know. Eevee is such a doll I hope she will be ok!


The poo has the consistency of thick mud, which means its no longer in the bean shape. A little of it is slightly watery but most of it is mushed together. We dont have critical care here I'm afraid, can I buy baby food or something? We have no cavy savvy vets in this country i'm afraid...I'm in South east Asia. Its a public holiday today + its also Sunday so the vets are closed. :(Tomorrow is also a holiday but I will try to ring up the vet to see if its open.
the vets will probably have an emergency vets open, it may not be in the same surgery but wont be far, i hope Eevee is ok fingers crossed for you x
yeah, just try and ring the vet, i would think someone would have to be there to look after animals in there. try the best/biggest vets, as they are most likely to be open. she definitely needs to see a vet, you are doing well, and basically i aggree with everything daftscotslass said. cut out the veggies, lots of hay, syringe feeding, umm i'm not sure about baby food, i think it would be best than nothing, however they do have veggies in. does she have pellets? if she does, put them in a bowl with a bit of water, in the microwave until warm, make sure its not too hot, then they should become mushed up and try syringe feeding that. i think thats ok. :) try to stay calm :smitten: :smitten:
Does your piggy eat pellets? If so, get some of these and grind them up with water to make a thick soupy mixture. Crush a quarter of a human 100mg vitamin C tablet and add this to it (NOT ones with artificial sweetener). If you can get to a human pharmacy ask for acidophilus capsules (a probiotic) and sprinkle these over whatever your piggy eats. Keep going with the rehydration fluid too.

That's all I can think of in the absence of proper syringe feeding mix - she really does need a vet asap.
Thats all good advice. Let us know how you get on at the vets x
You need probiotics as DSL said. Protexin is one used for herbivores- maybe you can get some of that? Keep her rehydrated with water too as you are. Isn't there an emergency vets around?
Thanks for all the advice guys. I syringed her mixed vegetable baby food as well as oral rehydration salts again. I seperated her from her sow friend for the time being because Piko is a very grumpy pig and wont let Eevee rest on her bed. The emergency vet is the vet hospital i mentioned, they are open every day 24 hours except on Sunday though, and it so happens to be Sunday :o. She has improved though! She did eat some of her pellets by herself and her poo is less mushy now. I'll be keeping an eye on her for another few hours(its almost midnight now) I'm relived that she is eating her pellets although not very much. Hopefully she recovers by morning if not I'll be ringing up the vet and hoping that its open because tomorrow is also a public holiday.
Glad she seems to have improved, hopefully she'll be ok by tomorrow but if the vets is open it might be worth taking her down anyway to be sure, fingers crossed for her x
Yeah, if she is still not back to normal i will ring the vets. The oral rehydration sales I gave has added Vit C so I think that should do for vit C. I could have sworn we had probiotics capsules in the house but I couldn't find it anywhere. Will have to ask my mum tomorrow morning, she has gone to bed and locked her room,lol . We do have yogurt drinks though, would it be the same as probiotics or not a good idea for guinea pigs?

Shes walking around and munching hay now. She seems much better after being seperated from Piko and after the baby food. I'm wondering if Piko's bullying had caused her to be stressed and have diarrhea because both of them have been eating the same thing but Piko is fine.
Her appetite is much better this morning, shes eating a lot and her poos are looking firmer. She is drinking water on her own as well. Anal area is less swollen and she no longer squeaks when pooing like she did yesterday. Her poos are still a little soft and smelly though, have to keep an eye on them.
Oh that's good love O0
Poor little Eevee she must be sooo uncomfortable :-\ :-\
Well done with her :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Yep keep your eye on her, any changes off to the vets O0
Poor little one, she and Rocky are a pair.

Hope things continue to improve :smitten:
Finally her poops are almost back to normal. Poor girl wheeks pathetically when she sees me bringing out veggies for Piko though, so I just gave her 2 or 3 tiny celery leafs(not the stalk) and a fingernail size of carrot slice. It was gone it 5 seconds, lol and she was wheeking for more but I had to harden my heart and give her more hay instead. I just read up that pumpkin can help with diarrrhea in dogs and cats, wonder if that was what helped Eevee, since there was pumpkin inthe baby food I gave her.
YAYYY good little girl :smitten: :smitten:
oh dear, yes i can imagine the 'look' why mummy aren't you giving me that lovely food? ? ? ?
Well done tho, shouldn't be too long now and she can enjoy some more little tid bits of her fav veggies :smitten: :smitten:
Pumpkin? I wonder if Rocky should have some?

Poor little Eevee, I can't bear it when they are sad and poorly :(
I guess it won't harm to feed him some pumpkin, its not a watery kind of vege after all. I just weighed her , she put on 15 grams :smitten: I suppose she wil be back to her previous weight by end of the week.

The only problem with keeping her seperate from Piko is that she keeps pulling out her water bottle from the holder and flooding the tank. I think she is frustrated bcoz this is my spare bottle and isn't quite the same way as the old one in the other cage.
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