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Edge Of Ear Is Crusty?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
Hello! I have Ginny out for lap time right now and just noticed something. The edge of his ear looks a little crusty, but I can't remember if it's always been like this.
Sasspy has this so does Cookie, they have always had dry skin on ears....

I doubt it is the start of any fungal infection but to be on the safe side keep an eye on @helen105281 would you agree?
Fungal is a possibility, Fuzzy had this recently, though hers did look much worse and we have been treating with Imaverol dips and it seems to have cleared up nicely. I have a photo somewhere, though I am at work at the mo. Think I started a thread though so will go find it now.
this is the exact title i made for a thread about ches! if it looks like little white spots almost then it could be fungal. i took ches to the vets and they took a skin scraping. his turned out to be ringworm so he was on medication and also had cream to apply to the ear for four weeks. it may not be fungal but best to maybe get it checked out, especially if tomorrow the 'spots' look bigger or are covering a bigger area :)
Thanks for the replies and also the link, helen. I'll keep an eye on his ear and see if anything seems different tomorrow. Are there any signs other than the obvious spots/crust etc? I'll see about taking him to the vets, but transport to the nearest good one is hard to get. This doesn't mean he won't go though, since his health is more important than being embarrassed about asking for a car ride :)
Fungal can make the skin look bright pink and it would be quite warm too. It can make them scratch quite a bit aswell. Sometimes on the ear it can also look like a white bloom.
I just had another look and thankfully it isn't pink, quite warm or like a white bloom. It feels smooth except for the edges that feel slightly rough. I'll be checking the girls in a minute.

Edit; Minja's ears look and feels fine and smooth as do Teddy's, but her's are both black so it's a little hard to tell if there's anything wrong by looking.
Hopefully it is just dry skin then. With Fuzzy it was immediately obvious that it was fungal.
maisie had an ear i would describe as more 'gritty'! like the edge was different. she had nothing wrong. when ches had his ear change and it was fungal, i would describe it more like a white bloom as helen said, but with what looked like little whiteheads! they got bigger quite quickly.

not sure if that helps but best i can describe it when i'm tired! :))
Thanks! Can't really see much of a difference right now to be honest, but I've had a raging headache for two or three days, so I'll have a good look in the morning and go over the girls ears as well again :)
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