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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 26, 2015
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
Hello all, as you know i had to put my piggy's is separate hutches due to them fighting , is it normal that they should eat or wont eat for a couple of days as both of them are not eating .Thanks
As they are not next to each other, it could be that they are lonely.. I don't have any advice though apart from putting them next to each other so they can see, smell and hear each other, unless (if neutered) you get them a female each?
I just put them together in a large box full of hay ect lasted 5 mins then the younger one went for the older one , i managed to stop it so i now know its the younger one who is causing the problem at least
Oh that's a shame sorry, when you say went for, what do you mean exactly?
you the younger one was about to bite the older ones face i just managed to stop it teeth chattering lol it took him a while to calm down
with me that is i got them about a month apart had to let them get to know each other ect ect they had been fine until last week
Oh ok. There are probably sticky threads about bonding boars. I've only ever had females. :(
I might give them away i cant afford to get two sows a hutch and also get them neutered its a lot of money . will be sad to see them go
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