Eating paper

  • Thread starter Thread starter GinneaGuinea
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Recently both Max and Rabbie have started eating the news papers lining their cage, Wouls the ink on the paper be harmful to them and should i look for a different lining ?
Well my frienda rabbit eats news paper, and he's fine, maybe when you make their cages up, put news paper down, sawdust, THEN put hey on top of the saw dust, maybe that will stop them eating their news paper :) They can eat the hay instead :D
I have just recently stopped using wood shavings as it was making Max scratch, I have the cage lined with news paper and then hay over top but thinking about it its been from I stopped using the shavings. ::)
Well my mum started putting hay on top of the saw dust because we thought their feet was going dry, so we put hay on top which is better for them, and their feet seem fine and soft! (I love guinea pigs skin on their feet its soooooo soft! Just like their lips!)
oh my max eats the newspaper too i mean he eats it like a pice of cabbage
Occasionally Amber and Tilly eat the news paper especially if I leave a little bit sticking up, it hasn't done them any harm but then they don't eat a whole page! :)
its when they start wearing glasses and reading the paper you have to worry :o
I always line my guineas play pen with paper and then put Megazorb on the top. They ALWAYS dig though and scrape away a layer of Megazorb so that they can get at the paper. They usually uncover a bit of paper in their cabin in the hope I wont notice but when they make a loud tearing noise I know what they're up to! I then go and look at them and they just me this guilty look, usually with a bit of paper hanging out of their mouths.
They never do it in the cage though, only in their playpen. And they have hay tubes made of out kitchen roll and they will quite often rather eat the carboard rather than the hay!
I've always used paper to line my cages and have never had a problem, they like to rip it up and then hide underneath it.
Puggies Rule said:
its when they start wearing glasses and reading the paper you have to worry :o

LMFAO! Like that egg card arvert with the guinea pigs! Ooooo that makes me and mum laugh so much!
my sister says it's bad, but the inks only bad if they eat tonnes of it. My piggy shreds my letters for me and she's fine.
as long as he doesnt start tearing up the laminate in your house its ok lol
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