Eating Paper?

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I saw on a site a list of ideas of "toys" that you can put in a GP's cage that will keep them entertained. There was also a list of what NOT to put into the cage, so it was pretty informative. I decided to cut a toilet paper roll long-ways for them to throw around. I have found that Cornelia really enjoys chewing on it and ripping it apart. I have a feeling, though, that she may be eating it as well! My GPs get plenty of fresh pellets, fresh veggies, and fresh water daily, so I can't understand why she'd eat cardboard. I noticed that she dragged what was left of the roll (that she hadn't eaten) into her cage. My first guess was that she was making a bed or nest of some sort, but I'm sure she's eating it.

Will this hurt her? Should I take the toilet paper/cardboard roll out of the cage asap?
My piggies have a laaarge cardboard roll and over time it is getting smaller and smaller. XD Plus Laurie likes eating newspaper and trying to steal my receipts to eat, so I'm guessing that it's pretty normal behaviour.

Even well-fed humans like to nibble on odd things.
Good! I'm glad my piggies aren't the only ones eating cardboard!
Nope, if i put a toilet roll tube in it's never there long. Plus they eat the newspaper i line their cage with.
Yeah, it's fine, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think any problems would happen, but make sure that any paper you put in there isn't 'fresh off the press' and it's had sufficient time for the ink to not be a problem (like a day or two).

when I clean them its rush to get the hay on top of the freshly laid paper before you hear ripppppppp its fine though as its not any thing to worry about
oh yes, mine love ripping up newspaper and eating it, especially if they are cross with me and sulking ;D
mine rip there paprer if there in a mood aswell

i put my little ones toitle roll in and there chew and eat it will it stops the chewing the cage
Mine have got a chube - one of those big vegetable parchment tubes. They are like Tasmanian devils when they see a new one - it lasts around 6 weeks before it's completely gone. I don't give them toilet roll tubes because I know they would eat them and I'd be worred about the glue stuff that you see on them.
it's probabley an angre outlet :D
mine have always enjoyed chewing anything soft enough for their teeth to easily rip into and they are still allive after 3 years! infact at some point i had 9 G P s that all enjoyed nibbling everything (inc plastic :-\) but brown paper should be fine as it is just tree bark
i agree! thats a great idea lol i might try that... i bet if i put an empty toilet roll in wilsons cage he would try and hide in it and get stuck lol! :D
Alexandra said:
doodles said:
mine enjoy a toilet roll stuffed with hay :)

That's a good idea and nice treat!

I used to do this with my rabbit, i would get a toilet roll tube and stuff it with hay, and hide little bits of cucumber or blueberry or raspberries inside, so they can smell the fruit and need to rip the tube open to get to it. My rabbit loved this and i take it that guineas would to, I'm going to try mine tonight. :)
lol for some reason my mom is collecting toilet rolls for some kind of compostable flower pot scheme so we'll have plenty to spare
I've always been told that providing the piggies dont read the newspaper or cardboard then it's perfectly fine for them to eat. It basically acts as extra roughage like their hay and can be quite good for their digestive system (apparently).

Mine have cardboard boxes in their run which we made into houses for them to hide in and they love pulling bits off them and nibbling; plus the floor of their run is covered in newspaper which they love to eat - can actually hear one eating paper at the moment...
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