Eating fiddlesticks

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi i know this probably sounds silly, but one of my girls, bee, has started to 'strip' one of the fiddle sticks and eat it like hay? Is this normal and can it harm her? Should i take it out lol? she's basically just eating bark! x
Try give her an apple branch to chew on, it want hurt them and its good for their teeth.
Hi Emma,

Are they the willow sticks? Mine won't touch them! Yeah they are ok to eat! Mine prefer the willow balls! When I first got Sunshine and Twinkle I got them a willow ball and they ate it I freaked out and thought they'd choke! Then I was told it was normal! 98)

I got some sticks last week, put them in and they all looked at me as if to say 'Eh mum that's not food!'

Lol! Yer Ralfie's got a willow ball but hasn't touched it. The ones bee is eating are the ones with wire in that you can bend and make into bridges etc lol, is this ok? x
Mine eat their log tunnel. Doesn't seem to do them any harm. Pet shop said replace it if wire gets too exposed.They demolish willow balls too.
I thnk it should be ok, especially as they are sold for pigs. They are funny ! :)
Lol thanks! They are funny, we were watching them and she just started litterally striping it, not chewing it, pulling it away from the log then when it was one long piece she would start eating it like hay, sort of grinding it lol! When we looked closer she'd gone through half the bridge, half was dark and haf was light haha! x
All of ours go through phases of stripping the bark of their Playstix, it should be safe for them to chew, although mine perch themselves on top of them and I dare say they toilet on them, so goodness knows how hygienic it is! ::)
Lol! Well we all know they eat their own poop so i suppose it can't be that bad for them haha! x
Boureki said:
All of ours go through phases of stripping the bark of their Playstix, it should be safe for them to chew, although mine perch themselves on top of them and I dare say they toilet on them, so goodness knows how hygienic it is! ::)

Mine do the same! ::) i always go in to find one of them depositing their own "logs" on top of their loghouse!
It's ok for them to eat! just don't let them get down to the metal bit. They knaw and trim there teeth down with wood . So put some apple branch twigs in or willow balls! Pampered piggies have a good selection of willow toys.
Lol thanks for that, i knew they could chew them, just didn't know they could eat them like food lol! My boar has a willow ball but isn't bothered with it as of yet, will have to get the girls one or two :) x
Mine LOVE willow balls if thats what you mean and are nearly gone ::) The willow sticks well they just chew them abit and thats it ;D
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