eating everything in sight

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Tommies Mam

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Sparky has always been a bit of a dustbin he gets two meals a day and has access to dried food and fresh hay all the time, he has chew toys in his cage which he likes but he has taken to eating everything in sight even if its not edible. Newpaper, the tinsel off the tree, ribbon, shoe laces, tin foil and today when cleaned him and his cage mate out the bottom of their slipper bed has completely dissapeared, eaten I suspect by Sparky. I have never noticed Harry doing this:o:o

He seems bright and healthy enough but it can't be good for him I am taking him to the vets next week, he also drinks a lot of water any suggestions and has lost weight?

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If he's lost weight and is drinking a lot, it might be something to do with blood sugar (not sure if guinea pigs can get diabetes... some people say yes, some say no). Also, if he's eating everything in sight (including, apparently, the kitchen sink) and is still losing weight, can guinea pigs get tape worms? Just two thoughts, but I'm really not an expert.
trip to the vet is a good idea if he's lost weight. When Rene was sick, he'd ONlY eat non-edible stuff like newspaper, the food bowl (not the food inside) or even the kettle!:) It could be Sparky's way of saying he's poorly.
However, they do have a tendency to gnaw every thing within tooth reach! especially electric wires... not the most filling or nutritious of dishes....:)):))
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