Eating Cardboard - Too Much

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
My two baby piggies are doing extremely well ....don't they grow so much ! Buy advice is required from you guinea pig experts....
Now to entertain them they have the usual hay tied up in toilet roll tubes, a cardboard shoe box and a bigger cardboard tube and a ball at the moment.
Trouble is one of the little fellas - funny his name is ( Chewy ) hahaha....seems to want to remodel everything, he seems to be making it his mission in life to demolish and eat any cardboard in site ! To me it's becoming a piggy habit !?!.
So how much is too much ? Cardboard that is ?
Surely a large amount will hurt his little piggy tummy ?
But they need things to entertain them, so I am reluctant to remove carboard bits just yet !
They both have unlimited meadow hay and nuggets and fresh veg twice daily, plenty of floor time - which I've increased recently, in case it's boredom ! They are both about 15weeks now..
Does anyone recommend any woody type toys I could buy online, I had a look at some and they didn't look too suitable for piggies !
Many thanks everyone.
Are you sure they're ingesting the cardboard? Ours like to chew on it too, but not eat it. It's just a habit for them to chew on sth. I think they like to keep me busy cleaning up the mess :D
if they are actually eating it (more than a small amount) then it could cause issues so i'd remove it. my rabbit bisc can't be trusted with any cardboard because he eats loads of it! (it's a type of fibre so that's why, but it's the wrong type of fibre so could cause issues if too much is eaten) - if they're just nibbling it and spitting out the bits then this is fine :)

the hayexperts is a great place to buy suitable toys etc Natural Hays Rabbit Supplies | The Hay Experts they are pet people themselves so only stock good quality products :)
Thanks ....I will keep my beady eye on him tonight....I don't see any flakes or bits of cardboard anywhere. I did presume he was ingesting it !?....guessing if he wasn't eating the strips he was pulling off they would be in the cage , I will look on the website provided ... I don't want him becoming poorly.
Thanks very much for all your advice xx
I can recommend The Hay Experts as mentioned above. Plenty of toys for guinea pigs on their website. If you know anybody with apple trees that have not been sprayed with pesticide etc. you could offer them a few apple tree twigs( remove leaves and any sharp spiky bits) to chew on. Wash them in water first if they have bird dirt on them. But just as an occasional treat.
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