Eating another's poop

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Jan 8, 2012
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I know when a piggie has been sick it's normal for them to eat another's poop. Once Denny started getting better from his UTI he started to eat brother's poop. The problem - he's been constantly sticking his nose up Avery's butt! Avery started getting a little snappy. I noticed yesterday that Avery is swollen and red and has a scab. I put Denny back in the smaller cage to separate them. I put coconut oil on Avery to hopefully help him heal.

How long will a piggie do this after getting better? I don't want to keep them separated, but I can't let Den hurt Avery like this either. Maybe some time apart will help?
I'm not sure, my boys have never done this and i think its because they get stacks of veg every mealtime and get a wide variety of vitamains etc (i do overfeed!) What kind of veg do you feed them?
I would have Avery seen by a vet. He may have an infection. Guinea pigs have a habit of licking each others problems spots, so it might not have been a case of Denny pinching poos but trying to help Avery.
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