Eat Your Heart Out Steve McQueen!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
So, this evening, as per normal, we put our piggies in their pens on the living room floor and sat down to watch a bit of telly. After very little "action" from any of them we popped in to the kitchen to put the shopping away only to return about 5 minutes later to find Dylan no longer in his pen but scurrying around under the dining room table at the other end of the room. Blaze and Scampy have both escaped on ocassion by pushing the fences apart but Dylan has never shown any such ingenuity. After re-capturing him we inspected his pen only to find that the fence had apparently not been disturbed. Wondering how he managed to escape we placed him back in his cage and I turned on the camcorder, fully expecting him not to repeat his apparent impossible escape...

:o Anyone know where we can get any bigger fences? ;D

oh my gosh i have never seen such a pig! my guys have the same exact fence, and run around freely 24/7, so if they figured that out i'd be in big trouble! You could try a pen that's intended for rabbits...they're a little higher. Mad props to your piggie for being such a daredevil!
latheylloyd said:
oh my gosh i have never seen such a pig! my guys have the same exact fence, and run around freely 24/7, so if they figured that out i'd be in big trouble! You could try a pen that's intended for rabbits...they're a little higher. Mad props to your piggie for being such a daredevil!
a mass escape! they may have one planned,or a tunnel dug underneath :o :o
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: And they say guineas can`t climb :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
that's brill :D :D :D none of my males like to be caged in so i don't bother even trying now, all of them jump it no matter how high ;) they just run free when they get out.

the girls are really good and stay within the barrier all apart from one and she just jumps over and comes back when ready.
lol, that's great! It appears that he knew you were watching so he went and played before escaping, hoping you would just give up and leave ;D

KimmiesGuineas said:
lol, that's great! It appears that he knew you were watching so he went and played before escaping, hoping you would just give up and leave ;D


We had no idea how he had got out (it didn't even cross my mind that he had jumped it as Blaze had tried that before and hadn't been able to manage it) but I was sure he wouldn't do it (whatever it was) while we were watching - Julie was standing just out of shot to the right. But no, it would appear that he's not only ingenious he's fearless too! :o

I'm very proud of my Dylan, he has come on leaps and bounds (literally) since we first got him and his head-tilt actually seems to be getting a little better. He has of course now presented us with a problem as to how he can get his exercise each day! >:D
I think I am in love with that pig! I love naughty animals they have spirit! Not got a clue what you can do other than build something woodframed & bigger. You gotta love him for it :smitten:
little monkey my harvey does it as well he climbs up his grids like a ladder and swings himself over I've got the same grids as well and use it for drying off in my conservatory will have to watch them from now on,
hils78 said:
I think I am in love with that pig! I love naughty animals they have spirit! Not got a clue what you can do other than build something woodframed & bigger. You gotta love him for it :smitten:

Of course I love him for it :smitten: I'm so pleased with the way he has progressed since we first got him. It's just now he's presented us with a problem as to how he can get his exercise without having to watch him every second. At least it's a nice problem ;D
he he!!!where do you get those little fences from as we would like to extend our run.
omg cindy did that the other day when he was on the grass! and her poor fat belly got stuck so i had to help her up lol ;D what clever piggies!
princess said:
he he!!!where do you get those little fences from as we would like to extend our run.

We got two from Zooplus and two from P@H but the two from P@H, although cheaper, haven't lasted too well as they have already started to come apart. >:(
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