Easy clean home for GP’s...


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 15, 2018
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Hi. Does anyone have an advise on the easiest way to keep GP’s homes clean? Maybe bedding, accessories etc... I’ve tried to wood shavings and I’m not using fleece as the former was very messy and very difficult to clean as I like to make sure my GP’s are in a tidy home but the mess and it takes is way too much. The fleeces are ok but I find all their hay gets stuck to it and it’s also quite difficult to keep tidy for this reason. I want them to be comfortable but I’m trying to find ways of being able to keep their home clean and fresh as stress free for me and them as possible. Any tips? Thank you all so much!
Every type of bedding has its pros and cons, but whichever you choose, they all have their daily maintenance. I spend about 30-60 minutes a day just on cleaning their cage.
My boys are in a hutch in my shed and in winter I use disposable bedding (finacard (which is shredded cardboard) and hay). I spot clean and remove soiled and wet areas twice a day and then do a full hutch clean every week but that obviously comes with the fact that my bins end up filling up quickly. In summer, I have them on fleece in their hutch but the daily care is still the same - spot cleaning daily and full change weekly with the added work of brushing the hay off the fleece and then washing it.
Thanks for your reply.
Seems like we’re in the same boat along with many. I also do spot checks daily and change bedding entirely once weekly. It is easier with the fleece bedding but still hard work.
I guess there is no easier way and it’s all part of having these tiny adorable little treats.
Thanks again.
I use paper bedding in my piggies' 2-floor hutch (under it are puppy pads) and I do spot clean every day and full clean every week. In their attached run, I use fleece bedding. I put puppy pads under their hay area as well and it mostly keep the hay away from the fleece at least. I spot clean it every night and change the fleece every week (my piggies mostly poo and pee in the hutch or in the hay area so no need to change the fleece often).

Here's a view of my set up.

My girls live indoors in a c&c cage.
I have tried fleece but eventually went crack to wood shavings.
I found that the laundry required for fleeces was difficult to keep on top of.
At present I use 2 fleeces as draft excluders round the cage and the others are useful to have as a standby.
We all settle for the bedding that works best for us.
I use paper bedding in my piggies' 2-floor hutch (under it are puppy pads) and I do spot clean every day and full clean every week. In their attached run, I use fleece bedding. I put puppy pads under their hay area as well and it mostly keep the hay away from the fleece at least. I spot clean it every night and change the fleece every week (my piggies mostly poo and pee in the hutch or in the hay area so no need to change the fleece often).

Here's a view of my set up.

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That’s a great set up you have there. Your GP’s are so lucky and deffo living it large! I love it all, it’s bril. You sure do know how to spoil them!

Thanks for the info, I have just purchased a wooden house to go inside their cage, it’s got peep and sleep holes and a ramp to climb on top to get their hay. I bought it in order to help maintain the mess of the hay but I’ll take your advise with the puppy pads, hopefully mine doesn’t spread onto the fleece too much too.

I admire your GP’s home and the work you put in to it! ❣️
My girls live indoors in a c&c cage.
I have tried fleece but eventually went crack to wood shavings.
I found that the laundry required for fleeces was difficult to keep on top of.
At present I use 2 fleeces as draft excluders round the cage and the others are useful to have as a standby.
We all settle for the bedding that works best for us.

Absolutely, and i guess it’s trial and error. Thank you.

I am using fleece atm, the wood shavings got everywhere, even when they would come out for a run and it got all over their snuggle beds and I couldn’t cope. Fleece is still messy for me but it’s not half as bad as it was before I started using it.

When I was the fleeces, also once a week, I let my GP’s chill in their run for some fun and exercise whilst the bedding dries. I find the fleece doesn’t take long to dry at all and it’s much easier to put back in.

I’ve only had my GP’s for around a month now but I’m sure I’ll comtinue to find what suits me, as you say.

Thank you ❣️

That’s a great set up you have there. Your GP’s are so lucky and deffo living it large! I love it all, it’s bril. You sure do know how to spoil them!

Thanks for the info, I have just purchased a wooden house to go inside their cage, it’s got peep and sleep holes and a ramp to climb on top to get their hay. I bought it in order to help maintain the mess of the hay but I’ll take your advise with the puppy pads, hopefully mine doesn’t spread onto the fleece too much too.

I admire your GP’s home and the work you put in to it! ❣️

Thank you! I used to have just the hutch, but they run free around the living room during the day and only locked in at night from 10pm or when we go out for a few hours. But I have to expand when we started having 3 piggies instead of just 2. The 2 floor hutch isn't suitable for 3 piggies. So I attached a 5x2 run so they still have a big space whenever we go out. We have less space in the living room now but the piggies are the boss so we really can't complain. Only hubby complains when I keep on buying stuff for the piggies that they don't always use hahaha. :own:
Thank you! I used to have just the hutch, but they run free around the living room during the day and only locked in at night from 10pm or when we go out for a few hours. But I have to expand when we started having 3 piggies instead of just 2. The 2 floor hutch isn't suitable for 3 piggies. So I attached a 5x2 run so they still have a big space whenever we go out. We have less space in the living room now but the piggies are the boss so we really can't complain. Only hubby complains when I keep on buying stuff for the piggies that they don't always use hahaha. :own:

Haha! I understand. It’s absolutely lovely and I can tell your GP’s are boss’s, they live in a mansion lol.

When you say you’d let them run around the living room, did you mean loose or in their run?
Haha! I understand. It’s absolutely lovely and I can tell your GP’s are boss’s, they live in a mansion lol.

When you say you’d let them run around the living room, did you mean loose or in their run?
Loose.. they run around the living room. I open the door of their floor run in the morning and don't close it until 10pm or if we have to go out for a few hours.
Loose.. they run around the living room. I open the door of their floor run in the morning and don't close it until 10pm or if we have to go out for a few hours.

Oh wow! And how are they with the toilet, chewing furniture and returning to their home?
Inside Cage unheated conservatory (winter) overnight
For my two boys I use good layer of newspaper followed by about 2 inches of hay over the top. They have vet bed in their bedroom.

Large Playpen in consveratory for bad weather
Newspaper and large fleece on top plus cardboard boxes with vet bed

Outside hutch and run shelter
Newspaper and 5in hay layer.

If you have deep hay wees and poos are not a problem as they both falls down onto the newspaper layer so no need to spot clean daily. Clean out twice a week. Add more hay twice a day. They will eat half of it and the rest adds to base layer. Hay is easy to clean out, roll up hay into newspaper base, place into a large trug. Use dust pan and brush, wipe around with disinfectant or clean soapy water.

Vet bed is a nightmare to de-hay, but again this wicks very well and keeps them dry. Especially if they like to wee in their sleep 😆
They used to pee and poo under the coffee table. We just bough a rug to cover it coz we were planning to recarpet the house anyway. But that was more than a year ago! :lol!: They are fine now with the pooping and peeing. I only happen to see them make mistakes very rarely. They have another area at the other side of the living room. They usually run back and forth from their cage to this during the day. Oh and Cookie (the one under the chair) used to bite on the legs of that chair. But I haven't seen her do that lately haha.

They used to pee and poo under the coffee table. We just bough a rug to cover it coz we were planning to recarpet the house anyway. But that was more than a year ago! :lol!: They are fine now with the pooping and peeing. I only happen to see them make mistakes very rarely. They have another area at the other side of the living room. They usually run back and forth from their cage to this during the day. Oh and Cookie (the one under the chair) used to bite on the legs of that chair. But I haven't seen her do that lately haha.

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Aww! How cute! I love your set up. It’s so cosy and they have plenty of freedom it’s inspiring. I may try some of your technics once they’re a bit older and more mature.
Inside Cage unheated conservatory (winter) overnight
For my two boys I use good layer of newspaper followed by about 2 inches of hay over the top. They have vet bed in their bedroom.

Large Playpen in consveratory for bad weather
Newspaper and large fleece on top plus cardboard boxes with vet bed

Outside hutch and run shelter
Newspaper and 5in hay layer.

If you have deep hay wees and poos are not a problem as they both falls down onto the newspaper layer so no need to spot clean daily. Clean out twice a week. Add more hay twice a day. They will eat half of it and the rest adds to base layer. Hay is easy to clean out, roll up hay into newspaper base, place into a large trug. Use dust pan and brush, wipe around with disinfectant or clean soapy water.

Vet bed is a nightmare to de-hay, but again this wicks very well and keeps them dry. Especially if they like to wee in their sleep 😆

Wow, That’s good advise! I’ll try the newspaper rolling. Thank you.