New Born Pup
My poor little girl is limping on one of her back legs, and the only vet near me that'll look at a piggy can't get us in until at least Monday - three days from now! Maybe even Tuesday! It's immensely stressful, I feel awfully powerless in not having access to any way to help her. There's no obvious redness or swelling as far as I can tell, and she doesn't have a ramp she could have fallen off or anything so I doubt it's a break. Still, she's clearly very uncomfortable and I'm so worried about her. I hate to see her uncomfortable at all, it's breaking my heart. Is there any way I can make her more comfortable or ease her pain at all in between now and her vet visit? I've got hay in her little hide and she's eating normally, but she's even more skittish than usual (she's always been a more timid pig) so I don't want to overcrowd her with attention or anything.