Easiest Way To Cut Nails?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 19, 2014
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
The other night I cut Cookie and Cream's nails for the 2nd time (however before I only cut the back paw's nails as the front were still short)
I get help when cutting them, my boyfriend holds them whilst I do the cutting.
Cream - perfectly fine didn't make a fuss apart from a few wriggles.

Cookie however, I only managed to get 3 back nails done and he just freaked out when I attempted to cut his front ones. It resulted in him getting really stressed out and he ended up biting both of us (he always playfully nips but this time it was harder than a nip!) so we put him in the run and tried again about 5 minutes later but was the same again so we just put him back in the cage.

Is there a way to keep Cookie calm whilst he gets his nails cut as I want to get them cut as soon as I can. I've tried talking to him and giving him smooths and a break between each nail but that hasn't exactly worked :no:
He hates being wrapped in a towel as we had to do that when he was on medication but he eventually learnt to stay still so its worth a try!

I just feel so bad when they're unhappy but I suppose sometimes its for their own good! Will try his nails again later!
Unfortunately I think you just have to wrap them up and get on with it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Some will always hate it and scream as though you are murdering them. Some are fine.... I have three boys who shriek the house down when any kind of grooming is done, and two girls who sit quite placidly for their nails to be clipped!
Unfortunately I think you just have to wrap them up and get on with it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Some will always hate it and scream as though you are murdering them. Some are fine.... I have three boys who shriek the house down when any kind of grooming is done, and two girls who sit quite placidly for their nails to be clipped!
Yeah I will do it, there is no way I'm leaving it to overgrow!
I use a towel on the piggies at Bunny Burrows. I cut the nails of over 30 piggies every month. Some are getting more used to it now & sit still but others are little wrigglers. I start by wrapping the towel over their head & front legs while I cut the back nails then get on with the front ones. A little often is the best way & all my own piggies are now used to it & just lay still.
Yeah I can only cut off the tips of Cookie's as he has black nails
At least one of them doesn't seem to mind, would be a lot worse if both got freaked out
We've discovered one little trick with trimming nails that made our lives a lot easier: Don't hold the legs of your guinea pig when trimming the nails. Hold the piggy against your chest, or on top of your legs while sitting, feed it some treats, and just click the nails one by one - be careful not to get too close to the meaty part though. In most cases, their legs are relaxed when they are in a comfortable position.
Hope it works for you.
We've had our boys for three months. There nails don't seem to grow quickly I've only cut the tips off the odd one. They are 2.5 years old . The run is on concrete and I put hay down too on the floor . When I go to cut them they jump once a bit of pressure applied to the nail I'm guessing this is too short ? When I have done it on another nail they don't move so I'm guessing they are telling me it hurts?
The only way to reduce the stress is to get it done as quickly and smoothly as possible. They will get better with practice.

This is how I cut my girl's nails. I'm not very good at explaining things, so I hope you can understand this ;)

I do it sitting down. I put the guinea pig on my lap and use my left hand to lift their front end up with my hand under their chest and their bum resting on my lap. I lift them high enough so that they are pressed (gently) against my stomach and I can see their back legs. I put my pointer finger between their front legs to create a kind of "harness" to stop them from squirming or jumping out of my hand. It will also stop them from being able to bite you. I then clip the nails using my right hand.

It only takes about 20 seconds to do. And then I give them a treat afterwards so it's a positive experience for them.

This photo is very similar to how I do it except I have the pig's bum resting on my lap for support. I wouldn't suspend the guinea pig like this as it's not good for their back.

I'm a real scaredy cat at cutting my pigs now I get so nervous especially as one of them has dark nails I now take them to the vets every 4 - 6 weeks for a nail trim now which isn't really a bad thing as I him to do a complete health check on them at the same time
The best experience we've had is when we had a friend round - I held a pig, my partner cut their nails (as usual) and the friend fed the pig treats at the same time. Normally however we have to do it without the treats and it's pretty grim! Lots of nasty bites for me from one of our boars in particular and they both squirm something chronic so my we've had a couple of nails cut bit too short drawing blood when they've suddenly squirmed :( it is horrible, I agree the worst part of looking after them. I would much rather clean up piggy poop than put them through the nail clipping!
Hi, it sounds like your piggy is a bit of a wrestler! Nothing wrong with that. I've noticed that trimming (or for me, filing) the front paws is not easy. Does yours hide its front paws under its body?
Distraction techniques don't work for my piggies, I spend more time telling them to stop squirming and only a couple more to go. I get the OH to help with the more squirmy ones :)
Especially since I have nippers and slappers
My boars are fairly used to being handled so they are generally Ok about nails apart from Thorn who makes a lot of noise and has nightmare curly nails. One slightly random tip is that I have found it good to cut the nails outside after the boys have had a good run on the grass. The moisture from the grass must make the nails slightly softer and easier to cut precisely and they are fairly chilled and full of grass. I sit on the garden bench, pig in snuggle sack, with veg treat if needed, try to be as relaxed as possible and I found the light outside makes it easier to see the quick inside the nails. Not great if you have a super skitty pig that is going to sprint off down the bench but for older boys like mine it seems to work well!
Hehe, it's takes two of us, i get my sister to hold them and i do the cutting as my lot are pretty cheeky and wriggly!
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