I have now been using this for a week. It's amazing compared to the fleece. My girls have lasted nearly a week and have only just started to smell. This is with no poo picking, and just one wash of their fleece snuggle sacs etc. The boys (they are in a bigger cage) will last until tomorrow.
I have used a layer of easibed and then a thicker layer of medibed. I find the easibed is quite sharp, which is why i covered it with a thicker layer of medibed. The medibed is lovely and soft and I didn't find any sharp bits at all. It's also dustfree. I am quite allergice to dust and it didn't cause a problem for me. I do have a sneaky suspicion however that my piggies have been having a little munch on the medibed!
I think next time I will try it with a layer of newspaper underneath, just to make cleaning out easier!
I love this bedding!