Hi everyone! I have a question. I have had two young male guinea pigs, Jif and Snak-Pak for about two weeks now. Jif always seemed like the dominant one inside of their cage, although never violent towards Snak-Pak, Jif is always the first to eat and mounts Snak-Pak and he seems to be not as skiddish as Snak-Pak. When my boyfriend and I have been taking them out for playtime recently Snak-Pak always steal food away from Jif, tries to step on top of him and constantly tries to mount him. Its almost as if the roles are reversed but the only difference is that Snak-Pak seems to be rough. I just wanted to know if anybody has experienced this type of behavior with their guinea pigs and if it will be an issue as they get older i.e, having to separate them due to aggression:.... Thank you! Jif is the blonde one and Snak-Pak is the dark brown one ^)