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ear infection?


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2023
Reaction score
My guinea pig's ear is creating a yellowish/beige crust and when I removed this crust I realized that there is also a whitish liquid in it. What can it be? I remove the scab and it returns in a few hours
I don't know much at all about guinea pig health but, I've heard that ears creating a crusty "scab" can be a sign of an infection of some sort. I would recommend taking him to an exotic vet to get it checked out.
Is he behaving normally and staying at the same weight?
Hope that whatever is causing this is not too serious.
Please see a vet for diagnosis.

If your piggy does have an ear infection they can be very painful.
Please switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily so you can monitor he is still eating enough hay. Pain can make them reduce or stop hay intake which means he could lose weight and you would need to step in with syringe feeding

I hope he is ok

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Please take your piggy to the vet, I get the human version and it is very painful so he/she is definitely suffering once it gets to that point.