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Ear infection and Canaural...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi all,

One of my piggies had ear infection and vet give him Canaural for dogs and cats. I know that's ok, but is anyone here that know about side effects of it? I'm asking cos he is kinda drifting away, looking into one spot and slight moving his head (same thing like you will run in the circles and the stopped. the world move around you and you cannot fix eyes in one spot), as well I can see that when he shake his head he is loosing balance... plus is less noisy than usual...

Will that be side effects of antibiotics or illness, is very difficult to put drops in his ears as he fight all the time, but we make sure that his ears are wet and he's got some of it in the canals. Maybe I should switch to orally give antibiotics...?

Today is 5th day and should be the last on it...
Ok, I don't think those ear drops are working they should. He is eating, but I can see he's getting weaker. He slipped onto his rear after trying to get some pellets. I'll go to back to Vets&Pets tomorrow, hoping vet will do something about.

I don't think that's side effect of Canaural. This is just not working.
The symptoms your piggie is showing could be consistent with a middle ear infection, which the drops will not treat. As you have said, the best thing is to get him back to the vet ASAP.
I agree with Raven. It sounds like middle ear infection.

My Wibble had a middle ear infection twice, unfortunately for him he has been left with a permanent head tilt.
Yeah, Amir at Pets&Vets did said that (only my fault, that I didn't ask for one, now I have to go again - 1h drive one way), where previous vet (exotic, so called) as he stated "I did not see any reason for oral antibiotic". Yeah, now you have one. Stupid.
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