Ear Damage With Blood

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire
Just wonder ing if the "drawing blood" rule applies to baby girls. My smallest girl has a chunk missing off her ear tonight with dried blood. I've not really seen any dominance in the group and wonder if this was just an accident?

can this happen accident ally during dominance or is it my cue to remove her? She is currently in a trio of baby girls. I am planning on keeping her and bonding her with another of my groups so she will be removed eventually but she is still being quarentined so she'd be on her own if removed now.

She still acts like a baby and does need others to teach her. She doesnt know to be scared of people yet bless her she runs all over me and sniffs and nibbles me and my clothing like a human baby would. She does that cute talking and walking thing too. shes still a teeny 250gms
I would leave things as they are for now but keep a close eye on they to see if there is a dominance problem. I'm tending to think it may have been a one-off but if it happens again & you can see which piggy did it then remove the bully for a while at least.
I would leave things for the moment but keep a very close eye on the situation. Sows can be very sneaky when bullying. A whole chunk out of the ear is a bit different to just a rip, which can simply happen when a piggy can't get out of the way of claw quick enough.

Weigh the youngster daily to make sure that she is getting enough food. You can place three bowls with food about a body length apart to make sure that all three get a good portion.

I would also remove any hideys with just exit, but provide a choice of hideys where a cornered piggy can get out. If necessary, provide cardboard boxes with two exits or simply peg some kitchen towels or big hankies to the bars. Make sure that all three girls have their own hidey, so they can get away from each other.

Please clean and disinfect the wound gently with either hibiscrub or saline solution (1 tsp of salt dissolved in one pint of boiled, cooled water).
Thanks they currently have tunnels so that should be fine. they have three food bowls if different corners but only two bottles so may be they had a water scuffle. I'll buy another and put a third in. She does seem happy fingers crossed she'll be ok for another week and a bit. She'll have finished quarentine a week on wednesday so hoping to find her a match in one of my other groups. I'm hoping one of my older sows will take her under their wing as both seem to be really nice and motherly with younger ones.
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