I had one of my guinea-pigs die last year at 7 years old. My current one panda was going on really strong and really enjoying life until the last couple days, he was still happy and interested in everything but I could tell he was losing his balance and starting to fall over. This morning I woke up and he was kicking and trying to get up but couldn't, even when I tried to help and since then he's just been flat out on his side barely moving. I think he's still conscious because he will kick out when I go to touch him or move his blanket but he will also kick out at random times. He's still pooing quite a lot which is surprising but I just know that there's no way back from this. Also he's now started moving his head up and down repetitively for 10 seconds a time. Basically I know he's dying, he's almost 8 but I don't know how to handle it. I rang the vet and she said I could bring him in to be put to sleep at any time but she reccomends that I hold on for a couple of hours to see how he is and it has now been 2 hours since. I want him to die with me in his cage comfortably at home but I read that it can take days for them to die and this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to watch and i dont want him to suffer unecessarily. Do I keep holding on and let him die naturally or go to the vet?