dumbledore...just wanted to talk about him


New Born Pup
Jul 3, 2021
Reaction score
Mumbai, Maharashtra
this post is mostly just to talk about one of my two guinea pigs, Dumbledore. He's almost a year old now. We got him when he was a month old. The first week was the most nerve-wracking, but dumbledore liked the sounds of humans talking and music. Now, he's quite a lively piggy and loves running around, especially popcorning. He goes round and round in circles around his tunnel (which he loves a lot).
But there's one thing dumbledore can't stand. Human interaction. The cage is kept in the passage of the apartment. We (5 people living in the house) pass it multiple times an hour. Every single time someone walks by, dumbledore runs into his hidey. Unless we're giving him food. When a person put their hand ANYWHERE even close to him, he runs into the hidey. He's quite a shy guinea pig now. When we let them out to play, we leave a hidey on the floor in case they get spooked. He doesn't even come out of it. He never steps out of it and we often have to force him out.
He is a stark opposite to our other guinea pig, Pat. She loves playing outside the cage. And adores humans. She sits beside me for hours while I work, sleeping. (and sometimes even walks on my laptop, which is very cute)
sorry for the long post but I wanted to know whether it's fine for dumbledore to be so scared of humans, even after almost 11 months in our house.

~ Nandu
Guinea pigs are prey animals and being scared is a default setting.
If he is particularly nervous though, it might be best, if at all possible, for you to move the cage to somewhere else which is quieter so Dumbledore can feel more relaxed?
Otherwise, making your presence known by talking before walking past the cage can sometimes help as it allows them to know you are coming before a person is suddenly next to the cage.
Some of them are just more alert/anxious than others. We've had many pigs over the years, some of them are extremely laid back and don't care what is going on around them- some of them are still quick to startle when an unexpected motion/sound happens in their environment, no matter how much they like us.
Comet and Blitzen were unfazed when people were around but they were in my living room, which was a fairly high traffic area for the flat so they were used to people being around. Bann and Camowen, though - I say something to "announce" myself on my way up the stairs even if I'm going to the toilet or to my room, otherwise they get scared and you can hear the dive for the nearest hiding place.
This handsome boar on the left is my gentle George 💕

George came here at 18 months. He is now 5 1/2 and doing great but he has always been shy. George was in a rescue centre with his 2 brothers but they bullied him - then one day he fought back, and he won the battle - but he was too shy to take on the role of top pig so the problem started all over again and they had to be separated. He was neutered and advertised looking for love.
So I got him as cage mate to my dainty little sow - and they made a good pair for a few years. But when he wanted to come looking for veggies or go for a little walk he would get behind her and push her out first and then follow behind - just in case there was danger, so she would get caught instead! Not very gentlemanly behaviour, George! Luckily she was very confident and looked after him, then at the end of her life when she was unwell he looked after her. 🥲

George has two lady companions now and because he is older he needs a little extra care. He takes medicines for arthritis and he is keen to come and get them because he thinks they are delicious! He has learned that we are nice and we give veggies and even when his nails have to be trimmed it's not so bad. But he has never been a confident, strutting boar... that's just not his personality. When my neighbour comes in to feed them if I am away he always hides... she never sees him! When he was left alone for a time we would sit together for company. I used to pick him up in a snuggle sack to have on my knee for a bit. He felt less worried because he was undercover and would snuggle up to the warmth of the bare arm I slipped inside. So I would say enjoy your shy boy and try to give him the quiet life he seems to prefer. He's not going to change... but there is something special about earning the trust of a gentle piggy x