Drying Long Haired Piggies

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2014
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i want to bath Galaxy and nibbles tomorrow but I always find it difficult drying them as they don't like a hair dryer and a towel just doesn't do a good enough Jo. As they are indoor piggies is it still just as important them being dry? (They are near a window) and does anyone have any tips for drying piggies? Food doesn't work either!
I don't have long haired piggies but find that if a piggy is able to burry their head in a towel they tolerate being dried with a hair dryer much better as it helps muffle the loud noise.
I fill a cardboard box with hay and and towels and let them bury themselves and hope they dry off! Hot weather now means they can go out still a bit soggy, but in the winter I would keep them wrapped up and towel dry them completely up
I wrap up in a towel and gently towel dry as much as I can and then make sure they are in a draft free warm place until fully dry ;)
I have shelties, don't wash towels with fabric softener makes them more absorbant, put pig on the towel whilst it's on your lap, gently scoop the towel around piggy and gently dry. You won't get 100% dry but put fresh towel in favorite area for them to walk or sit on and protect from drafts, ensure room is warm.
I have the same problem. I find that the hair dryer freaks my girls out too much. So instead I've come up with a pretty successful drying routine.

First, I try and towel dry them as much as I can. Then I pop them into a cardboard box. I drape a clean towel over onside to create a tent like thing. On the outside of the box, I set up a small fan heater pointing towards the side of the box with the towel draped over it. The heater warms up the wall of the box. The piggies end up sitting in like a sandwich between a warm cardboard wall and dry towel that keeps the heat in. Just becareful that it doesn't get too warm for them!
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