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Dry skin or fungal infection?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2019
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I was just noticing that one of my Guinea pigs has a lot of what looks like dry skin but I'm worried it could be fungal because it's white. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you


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That doesn’t look like dry skin. Please get piggy to a vet for a check and advise on treatment.
Thank you, would it be contagious to the other pigs?

That depends very much on the actual cause but potentially yes. Fungal infection such as ringworm is contagious to other piggies but also to humans. Mites will also transfer from one piggy to another.

However there is no point in separating other piggies as they are likely to have already been exposed.

Have a vet check done as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. It is also wise to thoroughly hot wash any fabric bedding and disinfect the cage and accessories with something like F10.
That depends very much on the actual cause but potentially yes. Fungal infection such as ringworm is contagious to other piggies but also to humans. Mites will also transfer from one piggy to another.

However there is no point in separating other piggies as they are likely to have already been exposed.

Have a vet check done as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. It is also wise to thoroughly hot wash any fabric bedding and disinfect the cage and accessories with something like F10.
Thank you, i have a day off tomorrow I can try and take them then and hopefully it won't be too bad. Last time I was in the vet for my other piggie I brought another who had dry skin on her ear and the vet thought it might be from stress. I'll try again with this one and suggest they test it somehow
Thank you, i have a day off tomorrow I can try and take them then and hopefully it won't be too bad. Last time I was in the vet for my other piggie I brought another who had dry skin on her ear and the vet thought it might be from stress. I'll try again with this one and suggest they test it somehow

Stress can lower their immune system making them more prone to catching these kinds of infections