Dry Skin Care?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
West Midlands, UK
My girls have been having treatment for a fungal infection including Imaverol on affected areas every 4 days. Nearly 4 weeks later and the symptoms seem to be gone! :yahoo:

However, I have noticed that their ears in particular are very dry, as well as other areas such as feet and parts of their skin. I have read somewhere that Imaverol is quite harsh to piggy skin, plus my girls are Rex or Teddy crosses (I think) which I have heard tend to get dry skin too? The other alternative explanation is that they still have ongoing fungal infection, but after 4 weeks of systemic and topical treatment I would have thought this unlikely.

Anyone have any suggestions for what I can use to care for their dry skin- I've had a glance at Gorgeous Guineas products but am not sure which cream / shampoo / melt would be best!

And what would be a good all-round shampoo to use when it comes to bathing?
If you send an email to gorgeous guineas they will tell you what your best options are. I emailed about Nalas dandruff and received a quick, very helpful reply. Chrissie certainly knows her stuff when it comes to the shampoos and the service is fantastic. Hope their skin feels better soon x
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