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Dry behind ears


Junior Guinea Pig
May 6, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, my guinea pig has some dry skin behind their ears and has bled a little. I have sprayed some f10 germicide spray on their ears to sanitise the area and have applied some cream to the area.
The cream and spray were what i was recommended by the vet when my guinea pig had bumblefoot and is safe for guinea pig use and is intended for dry skin.

am i doing the right thing by doing this?

I did this on both my guinea pigs just to make sure and haven’t noticed any thing looks like it may be mites. The only scratching I’ve noticed is after I applied for topical products as the spray is slightly oily, so probably not the most comfortable thing to be on fur aswell, but i thought was necessary despite this.
It would be worth having a vet check it before assuming it is just dry skin and using any products just in case it is the start of a fungal infection or parasites. Using any products can prevent diagnosis being made as they hide evidence.
With any luck it is just dry skin, but we can’t see it nor diagnose so would always advise a vet check rather than any home treating.

You won’t see mites themselves, only their evidence such as but not exclusively hair loss, itching, flaky skin.
Oh fine, what other skin issues could it be and what are early signs of them/pictures? Thanks :)
As I said, fungal or parasites can cause dry or dry looking skin or flakiness or it may just be a patch of dry skin.
Also some breeds - teddy breeds - are just more prone to dry skin.

Piggies, of course, have a symmetrical patch of bald skin behind each ear.
Yes, i know my guinea pigs aren’t teddies though (i have no clue what breed 😂)

Thanks for your guidance, I have also just examined the rest of their fur and which is all fine and not irritated
Yes, i know my guinea pigs aren’t teddies though (i have no clue what breed 😂)

Thanks for your guidance, I have also just examined the rest of their fur and which is all fine and not irritated


Unfortunately, you will have to wait what happens once your home treatment wears off. Fungal and skin parasites require different treatment, which is why they should be seen by a vet first. You will have to wait until there are new symptoms as a vet can currently not diagnose.
behind his ears, only one has improved but the other one is still irritated. I’m looking at buying an anti fungal spray/shampoo. Does anyone have any recommendations, thanks? :)
behind his ears, only one has improved but the other one is still irritated. I’m looking at buying an anti fungal spray/shampoo. Does anyone have any recommendations, thanks? :)

We would not recommend you buy anything, we never recommend any home treatments due to the fact they can easily be ineffective, be the wrong product and hide the real issue making diagnosis harder.
We would advise a vet check for the correct diagnosis and correct treatment from the beginning.
Hi, has anyone had any cases of eczema with their guinea pigs? Thank you:)
Yes; i dont understand because all the photos I’ve seen of fungal infections look different to my guinea pigs. His skin is rough like someone with eczema and it bled like someone with eczema. This sounds ridiculous (i know!) but it is only behind his ears where he has the bald patch
I have linked this new post back into your original thread. We do ask that only one thread is made per issue. It helps us to keep all the information together.

As we have said you will need a vet to diagnose and treat this specific issue.
Not all fungal is ringworm (which is what most commonly comes up on the forum) and it doesn’t always look the same. You have already added a product onto is so it may no longer look the same due to that - which is why we never advise any product to be used prior to seeing a vet.
I don’t think I’ve seen a case of piggy eczema on the forum.
His ear has massively improved which is great news. I wonder if it was just dry skin and they’re not itching anymore and behind his ears are much better