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Drooling And Runny Nose

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New Born Pup
Feb 11, 2016
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My male Guinea pig Yuki has been drooling excessively like all the way down to his belly , he also has a runny nose and eyes and he won't eat anything although I have seen him drink once I know this is a get him to the vet asap! But I cannot get there until tomorrow I'm really worried as I've already lost Gizmo this month his son.

Pneumonia? Your guinea pig will need a diuretic. Your guinea pig will need to see a veterinarian ASAP.
My male Guinea pig Yuki has been drooling excessively like all the way down to his belly , he also has a runny nose and eyes and he won't eat anything although I have seen him drink once I know this is a get him to the vet asap! But I cannot get there until tomorrow I'm really worried as I've already lost Gizmo this month his son.

View attachment 51376

Please step in with syringe feeding and watering asap, if necessary, little but often round the clock to prevent the guts from closing down. The drooling is not typical for URI, and he really needs to see a vet as soon as possible for a proper examination as the effluent from nose and eyes is likely connected to the excessive drooling. This is an emergency.

Have you got access to an urban out-of-hours service you could have him seen this evening?
If he is not eating you will need to step in with syringe feeding to keep his guts going, I will post a link below.

Is it that your vet is unable to fit him in?

I have just noticed Wiebke post as I am typing so will just post the link.

Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

I think when my Buzz had Pneumonia he used to drool, he was given a diuretic and Zithromax (antibiotic).
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