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Drinking water


New Born Pup
May 8, 2021
Reaction score
Montréal, QC, Canada
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if I should be concerned if my guinea pig is drinking lots of water?
Ever since his cage mate (brother) died, I've been refiling his water bottle twice a day. It's a living world bottle so it's 177ml of water.
Has it suddenly become hotter where you are?
This guide will help you further - All About Drinking And Bottles - but if this is a sudden change in behaviour for him, then seeing a vet would always be a good idea if you are concerned.
I'd have a chat with the vet if this is unusual for him. One of my boys Larry was diabetic and this was something the vet mentioned.
Hopefully it's nothing to worry about; it's always worth getting a piggy a general check over now and again anyway I think 😊
Yes. I have an appointment for the first week of September. I also noticed that his pee sometimes smells like fish. Does that mean it's a UTI?
Yes. I have an appointment for the first week of September. I also noticed that his pee sometimes smells like fish. Does that mean it's a UTI?

Smelly urine can be a sign of an infection.
Does he appear to be in any discomfort?
Is his weight stable?
Is there any chance you can get an appointment sooner, it’s quite a wait until the first week in September?
Sometimes but that's because he has other health issues, his weight is kinda stable. It's been going up since I last weighted him. I have him on trim/sulfa (and I'm giving him probiotics an hour before). I've changed his appointment for next week, they couldn't give me for sooner.
Did the vet tell you to give the Bactrim for the smelly urine, or was he on it already for something else?

I know my long haired girl drinks a lot more in hot weather (like almost double); have you guys been having the same hot dry weather up there? It could be a factor.
I had a piggy with fishy smelling pee once. He was squeaking when peeing and pooping. They gave him painkillers/anti inflammatory. There was no infection or blood when tested. So sometimes fishy pee doesn’t always mean an infection. Good luck. Hope you get it sorted soon.