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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 15, 2021
Reaction score
Hello! I have a pig who is a solo pig due to agression to any pig i try to introduce her to . And she was laying down flat (she looked like she had passed away) and she was like shaking it kinda looked the way dogs look when they dream so I was wondering if guinea pigs can act like dogs when they dream? Or should i rush her to the vet because it was really worrying. She was adopted from an unsafe home so I have no clue how old she is:(
Hello! I have a pig who is a solo pig due to agression to any pig i try to introduce her to . And she was laying down flat (she looked like she had passed away) and she was like shaking it kinda looked the way dogs look when they dream so I was wondering if guinea pigs can act like dogs when they dream? Or should i rush her to the vet because it was really worrying. She was adopted from an unsafe home so I have no clue how old she is:(

Yes, guinea pigs can and do dream. I once watched my Hywel rumble-strut in his sleep and waking himself up while doing it (I even have the pictures). He turned over and went back to sleep again.

However, if you have any concerns - especially if there are further and stronger potentially neurological episodes please try to film them and show your vet.

It is pretty impossible to judge things sight unseen because we only see what you see and through the filter of your own interpretation but we have no way to verify things for ourselves.
When Rainbow Piggy Pretty Patsy was dreaming she used to rock backwards and forwards very gently. When I first witnessed it after I adopted her, I was a bit concerned especially as she had the "lights are on but nobody's home" expression. Then I realised that she was fast asleep as my Rainbow Piggy Cutey Pie Dennis wore the same expression when he was asleep.