Doris Stresses Out!

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New Born Pup
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
We got our two female guinea pigs from the same batch etc but my one has grown quite a lot fatter and larger (Doris) over the last two months and she seems to still be very stressy when I pick her up she wont let me just pick her up and hold her against my chest as she tries jumping out of my hands and still panics. I have tried wrapping her in a towel but it don't seem to calm her down as, as soon as I unroll the towel she starts stressing out again. Can anyone tell me how to get her to be more tame and friendly as the other pig is fine!
It's just time.She may never be a cuddly pig, I have four that just arent
Ah damn! Still wouldn't change her for the world though :) Just wish she'd love me! haha
Do not worry. With some piggies it takes a while to build up trust. I hold shereen everyday for about five minutes. It took a year before she would accept food from me. Now it has been almost two years and she will stay with me for five minutes.
Two years ago I got a five year old guinea pig. For about 6 months he just ran away everytime I went in his room. But slowly he began to trust me and now is the friendliest of all my four guinea pigs. You just cannot rush a nervous guinea pig. Just be patient and things will work out.
Echo the other posters on here, patience is what you need! Piggies are all different in temperament and personality -just like humans. Not all are keen on being petted, one of mine still runs a mile when I approach. Just carry on being patient and kind and you will be rewarded in time.
I hand feed mine all their veggies every day, it has really helped a ton. They have gotten so used to my hand they will let me stroke them while they're eating ( as well as when they think I have something for them :twist: )
I have tried hand feeding her a disc of carrot, but she doesn't want to know, have been sitting there for about 20mins before now trying to get her to come out and take it off of me but she waits until i stand up then comes running out
With my male who was the most shy, I just tried sitting at the cage after giving him food to get him used to me being around. I'd have my iPad or something with me as it could take a while!
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