Don't they make you chuckle!

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My guinea pigs have such an adorable temperament. My two live indoors in the dining room of the kitchen diner (we don't use it for dining!) and everytime I go into the kitchen one of them will appear at the corner of the cage with its nose in the air and if you open the fridge or rustle a bag they squeak like you wouldn't believe, they are so adorable :smitten: :smitten:

What are your piggies lovely traits?
Garry is very shy but has recently taken to coming out of his pigloo and laying behind the hay rack (once Minty has left it hanging on only one hook... ::) ) I'm sure he thinks I can't see him so he feels safe. Minty will waddle over when anyone comes in and goes to the door or the side of the cage to say the hope he'll get a treat!

Benjamin and Dave are a nightmare pair...Ben has always been my foody pig - always on the look out...he comes to the end of his cage and chews the'd think he'd never been fed! He used to live on his own for a while but since Dave has joined him, he's been passing on all his tricks to him! So now you get the pair of them looking at you with pityful starving piggy's just ridiculous! It's like 'me and my shadow' in that cage!

Love them all to bits though! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
my 2 live outside & as soon as you open the back door Smudge rattles his mesh & stamps up & down to let me know that he wants me to pick him some grass if I ignore him he starts wheeking louder & louder until he gets what he wants. Coco on the other hand is much more refined & lady like she just peeks through the mesh with a pleading look in her eyes....please mummy can I have some grass!
Fugly has whole lounge to run around in and can still manage to popcorn into the wall, he looks dazed for a moment and then carries on his mad dash running little nutter 98) 98)
asti is my bossy girl shes a spoilt princess shes not a cuddly piggie at all but loves to run the leght of the lounge like shes been electrocuted she sooo funny to watch , dougal is my little man hes sooo laid back untill he heas the corrie theme tune then he wheeks it makes everyone laugh .
when i get home i always go straight upstairs to the bedroom and give them each a piece of cucumber whilst I feed the dogs and prepare the piggys food) and as soon as i walk in, all of them apart from the new girl squeeks really loud and come up to the front of the cages - i love that :-)
My oldest boar King manages to walk around inside his igloo and take it with him, we laugh our heads off and the girls say he's pretending to be a tortoise
My piggy Millie runs around her log cabin when I have veggies. It's so funny, because she looks like an over excited puppy running around! :P

Millie also loves to sit in her hammok and she insists on leaving her rear end hanging over the edge even though she sometimes loses her balance and her feet slip off!

I love it when they're eating their precious veggies and as they've bitten a chunk off, and are munching on it, they protectively lean their paws on the remaining veggie, making sure nobody steals it from them!! ;D

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
AW bless, dont we just lurvvve them :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
My Amber is a spoilt little madam :D Cucumber is her favourite food in the whole wide world. She has learned that if I put other stuff in with them (like Kale and carrots) if she stands on her back legs and sniffs and wheeks at me for long enough I'll give her some cucumber ::)

All my girls give me piggy snuffly kisses before they eat their tea - it's their tradition, Pickles started it. 98)

Pickles likes to sleep on top of her igloo rather than in it more often than not! 98) Think she picked up the habit from when Furbie used to bully her; she's the only one who can jump that high ;D

I could talk about their crazy traits all day lol :D ;D

I just love my girls! x
Sunshine is very hormonal and mounts everything his cage mate Radley is sweet and is always at the bars wanting attention!

Twinkle can be a nark and will kick out at you and he is very rumbly I just call him a big girls blouse, Milo is the baby and he always popcorns!

Pudsey is a rumbley bum but popcorns with it, Eccles is very sweet and quiet but he has such a lovely nature.

Fleur is mummy pig to the girls and very protective, Flora is the athletic one and is always running about with Pearl who is the tomboy of the group. Amber is the girly one but is very calm although tries to outdo Pearl in wheeking! :D
I started making my pigs earn their treats lol. I held them a bit above their heads so they had to stand and get them. Now every time I got to the fridge I turn round and their both stood up on their hind legs reaching into to air. The best bit is when they start fall forward and their little arms flap wildly in the air, or when they stand up to much and roll over and their big bum.
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