Hannah Boyd
Junior Guinea Pig
So my current piggie situation is as follows; I have four girls. At night time, they are in the porch in twos in cages which are comfortable but not really big enough. During the day, between approx 8am and 6pm, they go in a large floor 'run'. However this is not ideal but I am not sure which is the best way to change this. The floor space is not ideal as they are on a tarpaulin then a large curtain, with fleece blankets in some areas, cardboard hay trays and plenty of hides. The pigs love it, I love it but my OH doesn't (and neither do the in laws, although they don't live locally, they think pigs are 'outdoor animals only' and I think this is a big influence on OH). I would prefer a more permanent large indoor enclosure such as C and C which would be their only accommodation. The curtain is a lot of washing and it doesn't wash or dry particularly well. Also the enclosure is built with anything and everything -I also should add that I have a very large purpose built outdoor hutch (6 ft long), with an attached run which cannot yet go in our garden because it is not turfed yet. Anyway, I wouldn't put them in there until it is a lot warmer, which leaves me wondering what is best to do next. I feel it is unfair to leave them in the slightly too small cages 24/7, but the floor space isn't ideal. So I am thinking I have two options: 1 - organise a better method of floor time - does anyone have any suggestions of how I could make this more organised and perhaps easy to put away? or 2 - get C and C, in which case, what sort of sizes are recommended for 4 sows who get on reasonably well, though are not all snuggle friends with each other. But first to convince the OH... I could also get C and C to go in the porch but I am not keen on this as summer temps can get very high (we have only been in this situation for a month so they have not spent a summer in there!). Long post, thanks for reading!