Dont know what to do after losing a pig


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Sorry I wasn't sure where to put the thread, more of a vent because no one can decide for me.

We lost our 3 year old Oscar on Saturday and I'm not coping at all trying to decide what to do for Wilbur, his buddy. Right now he's doing OK, in fact he's gained a little weight, though hes hiding more than usual. It's me who's not managing, I hear the slightest squeak or teeth chatter and I'm immediately having a panic attack, terrified he's sick. I really don't want to rehome him, I know rescues are full and he's got a nice home but I'm even more terrified to get more pigs who could also get sick and die suffering like Ozzy did. Right now the plan is to get him neutered so he can have a girl or two, we're calling the vet to make an appointment tommorow or Friday, but I'm struggling with it still so much.
I’m so sorry you have lost Oscar. Don’t feel you need to rush into any decision. If Wilbur is eating ok then you‘ve got a couple of weeks to decide.

It’s normal to be hypersensitive after the loss of a piggy. I was the same. But it does get easier. Good luck. ❤️
Thankyou for the kind words, I'm not as anxious today; it just hits me at times which I suppose is normal.

Has anyone heard of the Lancashire guinea pig rescue? They have single boars and can do a bonding service where I drop Wilbur off to be paired and adopt them. I'd be more comfortable getting a younger boar neutered than Wil but I haven't heard anything about them on the forum so I'm still wary. I've also contacted the Potteries and Tiny paws, the Potteries don't have any singles right now and I'm yet to hear back from Tiny paws.
So sorry for your loss. Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
You are obviously very caring in trying to provide for Wilbur’s needs while your own grief is still raw.
So sorry you lost Oscar, sending hugs :hug: It’s really hard grieving while think of Wilbur’s best interests. I had my Ted neutered when he lost his brother and he lived very happily with two young sows