Don't Know How To Help.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 28, 2015
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Ohio United States
My sister also keeps guinea pigs. Her 6 year old Maggie just passed three weeks ago due to lymphoma. So now she only has her 7.5 year old Matilda who is a cranky old lady. My sister wanted her to have a companion so went with me to the rescue and chose a baby also. Unfortunately Matilda is not taking to the baby at all. She is constantly chasing her and nipping her. The baby is sad and lonely. My sister has asked me if I would take the baby. I wouldn't mind but my concern is the same problem I had before with one of my piggys being left out.. Is there anything I can do to help my sister.
My sister also keeps guinea pigs. Her 6 year old Maggie just passed three weeks ago due to lymphoma. So now she only has her 7.5 year old Matilda who is a cranky old lady. My sister wanted her to have a companion so went with me to the rescue and chose a baby also. Unfortunately Matilda is not taking to the baby at all. She is constantly chasing her and nipping her. The baby is sad and lonely. My sister has asked me if I would take the baby. I wouldn't mind but my concern is the same problem I had before with one of my piggys being left out.. Is there anything I can do to help my sister.

Would your sister be able to get another little girl and have the two youngster in an adjoining cage, so Matilda has got both the stimulation and her own space, considering that he is a very venerable age? That is the only alternative that I can see for the moment if the two sows won't settle down with each other.

I have added more information about sow dominance and bonding below; please take your time to read through them and forward them to your sister or ask your sister to join for direct support.
Please be aware that you always get dominance behaviour with new piggies; it can last just a few days to a few weeks. Make sure that the sows have got a hidey with two exits each, as well as two bowls for food. No newbie is generally happy during that time, especially if dominance is on the strong side.
Did your sister introduce on neutral ground or just plonk her into Matilda's territory, so she is perceived as an intruder and is getting a stronger and more aggressive reaction?
Sow Behaviour
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
She introduced them on neutral ground and was expecting some dominance and aggression. Matilda won't even let the baby out of the hidey house, everytime the baby comes out Matilda chases her right back in. She had them together for 2.5 days and the baby was never allowed to leave the house. My sister had to put food and water inside the house so the baby could eat or drink. She finally separated them last night. I guess maybe she could get another girl companion for the baby but the nearest rescue is 4.5 hours away. Do you think Matilda just wants to be alone or do you think it's this particular baby?
My sister came Wednesday to visit and to help me with trying to bond the baby she adopted into my herd. After two weeks of trying it was pretty obvious Matilda was never going to accept the poor little girl. The bonding of the baby into my herd went really well. We had some normal dominance but nothing extreme and they all settled down quickly. Overnight we put Matildas cage next to my cage so she could at least see the other piggies. The next morning I found Matilda laying on one side of the bars and my baby daphne on the other side basically cuddled up. It surprised me since Matilda seems to hate all other piggies. I set up a neutral area to see how they would get along and SURPRISE Matilda loves Daphne. As much as it breaks my heart to let my sister take Daphne :bye:I am so happy that Matilda will no longer be alone:nod:. At least I know she will be just as spoiled as she would be here and I will still get to see her every two weeks when my sister comes to visit. As for her baby that I have renamed Daisy she has quickly wrapped me and her new sisters around her little paw:love:. She is adorable and so happy to no longer be alone..:wub::luv:
I think that's a lovey result, and lovely too that you were willing to let Daphne go with Matilda for the benefit of all the piggies. Sounds like all them, Daphne included, will be happy.
What a stressful time you and your sister have had. Let's hope all goes smoothly now x
I think that's a lovey result, and lovely too that you were willing to let Daphne go with Matilda for the benefit of all the piggies. Sounds like all them, Daphne included, will be happy.
What a stressful time you and your sister have had. Let's hope all goes smoothly now x

It has been really stressful but hopefully this will settle everyone. I will miss Daphne a ton but it was so rewarding to see Matilda happy with her. As much as this post may make her seem difficult Matilda really is the sweetest old girl and I'm just glad that I could help with making her elderly years as happy as they can be.
Glad that you have some very happy happy piggies, even if you have to let Daphne go! Some piggies can be very particular who they click with, but if they have the option to choose themselves then you are in with a much better chance of making them happy. It is usually impossible for us to tell who a piggy will really get on with, so all we can do is try and give them opportunities. The most idfficult piggies can often throw the biggest surprises!

At least you can still see Daphne regularly, and so can your sister visit cute little Daisy! :tu:
Glad that you have some very happy happy piggies, even if you have to let Daphne go! Some piggies can be very particular who they click with, but if they have the option to choose themselves then you are in with a much better chance o
f making them happy. It is usually impossible for us to tell who a piggy will really get on with, so all we can do is try and give them opportunities. The most idfficult piggies can often throw the biggest surprises!

At least you can still see Daphne regularly, and so can your sister visit cute little Daisy! :tu:

That's the best part I'm glad all the piggies are happy and settled but knowing that I'll still see Daphne every two weeks definitely makes it easier.
I admire you for mixing and matching for the good of the piggies.You are an excellent piggy mum .Wish there were more people like you
Thank you that's very sweet. I still miss Daphne a ton but I'm pretty excited they will be coming to visit this weekend:yahoo:

You will always miss piggies that you let go, they never really stop being yours; but this is balanced by knowing that they are happy and you have done the right thing by putting their wellbeing before your own interests and desires. ;)
Boss Hogg took in two of mine, they are on his avatars.It's nice getting news and knowing they are in an excellent home.Makes all the difference.I hate having to let animals go
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