Don't Judge Me

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 4, 2014
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This is not a decision I have taken lightly but enough is enough.

I am new to piggies and rehomed 4 pigs 3 wks ago from a shop that had taken them in from elsewhere and not allowed to sell them. I was told they were all girls.

They didn't seem to get on and one was being bullied by the other.

I found out 2 days ago that three are in fact boys, one is female and she is pregnant and not far off birth.

I noticed today they are all excessively scratching and think they have mites.

I did an extensive amount of research about piggies and to find out whether I would have time to commit as a working mum with 2 little girls.

I tried to do a good thing by taking these pigs in because they were in small cages, never been handled etc and I wss told they were about a year old but we think they are not that old.

However, I did not expect to have to deal with pregnant female, fighting pigs and a mite infestation. I don't see why I should have to fork out for vet bills for guinea pigs that were so obviously badly looked after. I am not a rescue centre. I do feel bad but this is not my fault.

I don't want to be judged because I feel awful as it is but I am going to contact the shop tomorrow and see what they say before asking to return them.
It's understandable, no-one on here will judge, in fact a large number will probably be thinking, "There but for the grace of God, go I" no-one can judge unless they've been in the same predicament. You took them piggies on the understanding they were all girls, any one of us would've done the same, it's not your fault they were wrongly sexed and infested. The shop should at least pay for treatment for the mites.
Oh gosh - I can see why you are concerned and fully understand why you want to speak to the pet shop. Nobody on this forum will judge you but I am sure a few of us will want to advise you .
Treating a guinea pig for mites is pretty straightforward - so , at least that problem is solvable.
It's the poor sow I feel sorry for . In an ideal world, I'd say the pet shop should cover the cost for her to go to a rescue Centre where at least she and her unborn babies will get a chance of a better life..
That all sounds very stressful :( Sleep on it, things may seem better in the morning.

Quite understandable that you are annoyed, you took the piggies in good faith.

Good luck, let us know how you get on
Hi Jess sorry to hear this! I can understand completely why you want to give these up. It's so much to take on! Surrendering them to a rescue maybe the best way forward for you, should you decide not to keep them!
aw sorry to hear this Jess, the only thing i would say is make sure the pet shop has their best intersts at heart, otherwise try a rescue?
Sorry to here your in this mess, my guinea pig just have birth three weeks ago, and I was told they were same sex when rescued them.

However upset you may be feeling, the day you adopted these piggies you took responsibility for them. So while the mites and pregnancy and fighting may not be your fault, it is now your responsibility. It's not your fault they are in this mess, it is the pets shops fault. So don't you find it a little cruel and unfair on the piggies to put them back in such a horrible situation.

I would advise you to either keep them or surrender them to a RSPCA shelter or a reputable rescue. You can use our rescue locator at the top of this page to find one near you.

I wish you the best of luck but urge you not to return them to the pet shop, it doesn't sound like the animals needs and health are they're number one priority.

Good Luck, we're here for you and nobody will judge you.
I'm sorry this happened to you. That'd be a lot for any first time owner.

I won't judge you but I'd like to offer some advice if I may.

The reason the two boy piggies are fighting 'is' because they are also with a female piggie and will be fighting over her. The piggie in question being pregnant, I really wouldn't recommend returning her to such a bad pet shop who will obviously give her a bad diet and then sell on the babies at a profit for this mistake. They'd end up gaining profit. A rescue will take the babies in, heal mother and boys, secure that the mother gets the right diet so the babies can survive and will pair up the babies with friends and look into comfortable homes for them.

Mites are really easy to get rid of and not too expencive either. One of my boys recently had mites and if I recall it was £12 for the treatment, an injection one week and then a second injection a week after.

What I would personally do, is keep the piggies and get the pet store to pay for all vet treatment. I'd suggest keeping at least one of the piggies and get it a friend at a rescue- I am unsure if two boys who were fighting over a female can stay together?- or you can keep mummy (and one of her female babies) but as you are new this, this might be a bit harder to you but we have some extremely knowledgeable members on here who can help you with each step if you did decide on keeping her and giving the boys to a rescue. :)

Again I'm sorry this happened to you. Piggies really are delightful animals to have once they bond with you.
Hello. Thanks for your advice. Well, call me soft but I couldn't do it. I couldn't send them back to that life where the owners of that blasted shop just don't care. I was pretty cross last night and didn't sleep a wink worrying about what I was going to do.

I know someone said that they are my responsibility now and I get that but it was disgusting that I got taken advantage of and whilst I rehomed four piggies with their best interests at heart I certainly did not agree to a magnitude of health problems.

Anyway, the piggies are still in my shed and one is going to the vets later. I'm taking him to see my friend so if he does have mites she will give me enough treatment for all four. After this, fingers crossed there are no more problems. I want to enjoy them, not stress over them!
Good for you! if you do decide its too much, take them to a rescue as that pet shop will only mistreat them again. Are they all still together? what will you do after the babies arrive?

Sorry you are going through this, I'm new to piggies too so would be very stressed in your situation x
i know it seems hard at the minute but you will be fine. You are not on your own and when it all sorts itself out you will be so pleased you kept them. I couldnt have given them up either.
If I was in your position I would be fuming! Probably even angry enough to go to the pet shop and demand some sort of payment for the vet treatment! First time guinea owner and have a mis-sexed, ill and pregnant… It's almost like a slap in the face and i bet those people in the shop knew about those piggies too..

Am pleased that you have decided to keep them and did not return them. They will be in the best care with you then back in a pen where no one clearly cares for them.

Hope things go well :)
Good for you! if you do decide its too much, take them to a rescue as that pet shop will only mistreat them again. Are they all still together? what will you do after the babies arrive?

Sorry you are going through this, I'm new to piggies too so would be very stressed in your situation x

Brandysnap who is my bullied 3rd male is going to be rehomed by my neighbour with a baby boy. I am going to keep Oreo (female) with a baby girl and then find homes for the babies that are left.

I do seem to have developed a bit of a bond with Oreo, more so than the others at this point. She lets me pick her up and pet her in the cage and she loves snuggling in the snuggle bed I bought for lap time. I am secretly excited for the babies to arrive!
I'm glad you decided to keep them, sounds like they are in good hands now :) are you still going to talk to the pet shop? I would if I were you! I hope Oreo's birth goes well, baby guinea pigs are the sweetest things :love:
So pleased you can rehone two where you can still see them Good luck with the birth
I am so pleased that you are finding solutions that work for you and the guineas.
You are right - Guinea Pigs should be enjoyed.
I am glad that you are not taking them back to the shop where their future would have been very dire!

Could you contact Rainbow Rescue if things get too much for you? At least you can have the reassurance that any piggies would be in good hands while in rescue and they would only go to checked, suitable homes. I am very sorry that you are having such a rough time helping some poor piggies! You are a very caring, conscientious person.
Hey, as you know we live in the same town, i am certainly no expert but if you ever want some reassurance or just someone to come and sit with you with them for a bit, i am available, or even if you need help giving them the treatment for mites, i have been through this recently with my two. You will enjoy them i promise x
What a horrible situation you have found yourself in, hope every thing works out for you.
Hello. Things are going fine, thanks. Pigs are settled now. Brandy snap on his own at the moment but can't do much about that for the time being. Oreo getting bigger by the day and think that the babies will be here soon.

Yes, we are planning on going to the carnival. My litte girl is actually 4 on Sunday so it's doubling up as an afternoon out for us all, although we are also looking at maybe going to south lakes wildlife park on sat too.

How are you?
I'm fine thanks. Looking forward to Sunday, hope it doesnt rain! oh gosh re Oreo, how exciting lol. Keep us posted wont you? xx
of course it rained its Morecambe! Turned out ok later though i suppose. I left about 5.30 as i had to get home to feed the animals so didnt get to hear so much of the music. The carnival was ok, bit small, but i think its because it was the first one in years? I was happy as i got to meet Dan the Man from Animal Care who is a lovely romanian dog lol. I drooled over so many dogs today but felt sorry for a lot as they were clearly overwhelmed. Yes it was very busy and a lot of people walking around with booze which i really dont like.

Oh babies, how exciting! Do you know when they are due?
No, but can't be much longer now.

We left even earlier than you. Not interested in the music and it was difficult to navigate the stalls with a buggy.
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