Hi. I have a boar called Gerald who is about 6 months old, I've had him for 3 months and he's my baby, I have had him sitting with me every night for a couple of hours while watching TV, 7 weeks ago I got him neutered so we can get him a girlfriend. while we were on holiday for a week I put him into guinea pig boarding with a local rescue and asked them to bond him with a little girl. When we picked them both up the lady said Gerald was pop corning everywhere and wouldn't leave her alone so she was happy to give her to us, we named her Geraldine. once we got them both home Gerald doesn't seem to have taken to her, at first he kept nipping her and every time she comes near him he rumbles and walks off. I have washed the cage put new hay/shavings in but he is still doing it. if I get them out and put them on the blanket together they settle down and lie next to each other fine but as soon as they go in the cage it all starts over again. I spoke to the lady at the rescue and she advised to take out the tubes and the house for 24 hours which I did then when I put them back in he got all territorial again. we really don't want to get rid of Geraldine but I don't want to upset Gerald if he doesn't like her. Will he eventually settle down or is this relationship a no go, please help.