Junior Guinea Pig
My dominant sow, Pirate, really doesn't seem to be very kind to Strawberry sometimes. Today I got them out for a cuddle when the duvet was scrunched up on the bed, and Strawberry crawled onto it and 'discovered' a little nook which she curled up in. Pirate walked over and squished herself right in behind Strawberry making her look really uncomfortable. They never snuggle together normally, it seemed just to be envy. Also, recently if I've taken Strawberry out for a cuddle before Pirate (I make sure I'm quite fair with this and alternate which one I take first), when Strawberry returns to the cage Pirate sniffs her all over as if to say 'you've been with the human, haven't you?'. Even if I give Strawberry a chin rub she comes over and pokes her nose into my hand. She's the same with everything - never mind the rest of the food, she wants what's in Strawberry's mouth. Never mind the other hidey, she wants the one Strawberry's comfortable in. And I've just seen her walk over to a new hidey I'd created which Strawberry was resting in, poke her nose in it to see what was up, and urinate quite deliberately next to it. Why is she such a cow?
My dominant sow, Pirate, really doesn't seem to be very kind to Strawberry sometimes. Today I got them out for a cuddle when the duvet was scrunched up on the bed, and Strawberry crawled onto it and 'discovered' a little nook which she curled up in. Pirate walked over and squished herself right in behind Strawberry making her look really uncomfortable. They never snuggle together normally, it seemed just to be envy. Also, recently if I've taken Strawberry out for a cuddle before Pirate (I make sure I'm quite fair with this and alternate which one I take first), when Strawberry returns to the cage Pirate sniffs her all over as if to say 'you've been with the human, haven't you?'. Even if I give Strawberry a chin rub she comes over and pokes her nose into my hand. She's the same with everything - never mind the rest of the food, she wants what's in Strawberry's mouth. Never mind the other hidey, she wants the one Strawberry's comfortable in. And I've just seen her walk over to a new hidey I'd created which Strawberry was resting in, poke her nose in it to see what was up, and urinate quite deliberately next to it. Why is she such a cow?