I have 2 boars Biscuit and Hurley that I got just over a month ago as babies but unsure of there actual age. Biscuit is the bigger dominant pig always rumble strutting and jumping on top Hurley. So far I have left them to it as there hasnt been any fighting and Hurley takes it so guessing he has accepted biscuits dominance-for now at least. Last week I noticed Hurley was limping and holding up his front foot so I took him to the vets on Friday where he had xrays and there was nothing obvious wrong so he was given a pain killer injection and we need to go back in on Tuesday for a check up. I have put them I separate cages to try help His recovery but his foot is not any better still can't put it down so not sure what's wrong. My question is should I separate them for good? Hurley seems alot happier with his own space. My guess is that the injury is from biscuit and ofcorse I don't want him to keep getting hurt and vets bills on top of that. Thanks