Dominant Boar Injured Piggy

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New Born Pup
May 1, 2016
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I have 2 boars Biscuit and Hurley that I got just over a month ago as babies but unsure of there actual age. Biscuit is the bigger dominant pig always rumble strutting and jumping on top Hurley. So far I have left them to it as there hasnt been any fighting and Hurley takes it so guessing he has accepted biscuits dominance-for now at least. Last week I noticed Hurley was limping and holding up his front foot so I took him to the vets on Friday where he had xrays and there was nothing obvious wrong so he was given a pain killer injection and we need to go back in on Tuesday for a check up. I have put them I separate cages to try help His recovery but his foot is not any better still can't put it down so not sure what's wrong. My question is should I separate them for good? Hurley seems alot happier with his own space. My guess is that the injury is from biscuit and ofcorse I don't want him to keep getting hurt and vets bills on top of that. Thanks
Hi Jaypig, welcome to the forums.

Where abouts are you from? (you can add it to your profile so people can advise you in regards to vets etc.)

Guinea pigs get all sorts of knocks and bumps. One of mine sprained his paw, it was ok in 3 - 4 days.

Usually you would leave them to get on with it unless blood is drawn, also guinea's are animals that need the company of their pals. There are guides on the forums which I'll put below, I'm sure @Wiebke will come and advise properly when she's online. one of mine bit the other, but I got advice from Wiebke and others on here and decided it was a one off. They were ok after. Although the one that got bit (Big E) did still tried his luck and did it when the biter (Sheamus) was ill.

Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics

Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs

Boars: A guide to successful companionship.

Splitting could also cause them stress unless their cages are next to each other so they can smell and see each other.

I hope you manage to sort things out and that your guinea's paw heals.
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Guinea pigs often end up with unexplained limps. It's usually a sprain from a twist, turn or a bad landing if they have jumped off something and landed awkwardly. Often the sprain helps in a few weeks and they return to normal. It's good that there is no obvious break. It's unlikely to be an injury inflicted by his cage mate.
@Kerrie74 has pointed you to many good links. As there has been no major fall out I would not separate your boars.
Thanks for the replies. I will have a look at the links. Now I'm unsure if it's something more serious as he isn't using his back leg on the same side (but looks as though he is putting more pressure on the front) x
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