Junior Guinea Pig
I have 3 male piggies, all of similar age give or take a month.
They all used to get on fine until 2 of them suddenly began to rumblestrut a lot and fight. (no blood was ever drawn)
I decided after taking advice to seperate them, and left them seperated for a month of so, and then tried re-introducing them again.
This seemed to be quite successful for a little while. However, the 2 of them are now acting differently again. Cracker, who is clearly the most dominant is now sitting outside of where fudge sleeps, and fudge seems to be too scared to come out.
Space isnt the issue, as i have a 2 tier hutch which extends into a larger C&C cage, and so they all have plenty of space.
Fudge seems to like upstairs, but as soon as he comes down, cracker follows him and chases him everywhere.
It just seems strange that Fudge seems scared when infact Fudge was the one who used to initiate the fighting, and was most dominant at the beginning.
Is fudge now being bullied? Any advice on how i can make this better or something i can do?
They all used to get on fine until 2 of them suddenly began to rumblestrut a lot and fight. (no blood was ever drawn)
I decided after taking advice to seperate them, and left them seperated for a month of so, and then tried re-introducing them again.
This seemed to be quite successful for a little while. However, the 2 of them are now acting differently again. Cracker, who is clearly the most dominant is now sitting outside of where fudge sleeps, and fudge seems to be too scared to come out.
Space isnt the issue, as i have a 2 tier hutch which extends into a larger C&C cage, and so they all have plenty of space.
Fudge seems to like upstairs, but as soon as he comes down, cracker follows him and chases him everywhere.
It just seems strange that Fudge seems scared when infact Fudge was the one who used to initiate the fighting, and was most dominant at the beginning.
Is fudge now being bullied? Any advice on how i can make this better or something i can do?