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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Preston, UK
I have 3 male piggies, all of similar age give or take a month.
They all used to get on fine until 2 of them suddenly began to rumblestrut a lot and fight. (no blood was ever drawn)

I decided after taking advice to seperate them, and left them seperated for a month of so, and then tried re-introducing them again.

This seemed to be quite successful for a little while. However, the 2 of them are now acting differently again. Cracker, who is clearly the most dominant is now sitting outside of where fudge sleeps, and fudge seems to be too scared to come out.

Space isnt the issue, as i have a 2 tier hutch which extends into a larger C&C cage, and so they all have plenty of space.

Fudge seems to like upstairs, but as soon as he comes down, cracker follows him and chases him everywhere.

It just seems strange that Fudge seems scared when infact Fudge was the one who used to initiate the fighting, and was most dominant at the beginning.

Is fudge now being bullied? Any advice on how i can make this better or something i can do?
It sounds like bullying but then again you'll know your pigs better than me... if one pig is stopping the other going were it wants I would separate... but thats just my opinion :).
Fudge is being bullied - a good trick with boys is only to have hides with two exits and the same number of food bowls as there are boys.
Will this behaviour stop eventually, they are only about 4 months old, so could this been like a teen phase?

Ive seperated fudge from the other two at the moment, fudge is in the 2 tier hutch and cracker and pickles are seperate in the C&C cage.
I honestly don't know... :(, I would say it could possibly end in a fight and blood been drawn.
If you separate I wouldn't attempt to rebond them... it's very hard for me to say without meeting the pigs... I had a pig bullying another pig... wouldn't let him go were he pleased then I noticed scabs but never saw any biting... In the end they fought and blood was drawn when this happens it's so much easier just to accept they will not get on!

Only you know your pigs, every pig is different so it is very much your call I'm afraid!

I must also add these are my first pigs so I'm NO expert
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If you separate I wouldn't attempt to rebond them... it's very hard for me to say without meeting the pigs... I had a pig bullying another pig... wouldn't let him go were he pleased then I noticed scabs but never saw any biting... In the end they fought and blood was drawn when this happens it's so much easier just to accept they will not get on!

Only you know your pigs, every pig is different so it is very much your call I'm afraid!

I must also add these are my first pigs so I'm NO expert

I check fudge regulary, there doesnt seem to be any nips on him or anything at the moment, and no fighting is taking place. just he gets chased a lot.
I hope its just a phase.
Thanks for the advice! :)
If a piggy is being stopped from exhibiting normal behaviour & is being constantly persecuted, not being allowed to go where he/she chooses, eat, drink then it is being bullied & a bullied pig can stop eating due to stress & in some cases this can lead to death.

Ask yourself this - would you like to live with someone who keeps you where they want you & when you move they chase you? They may not let you eat when you are hungry or drink when you are thirsty or won't allow you out of your bed when you want to get up.

If your answer is no, think about how your piggy is feeling.

As for wether it will stop, in my experience NO it doesn't stop & the bullied pig may well become the bully when introduced to other piggies.
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