Dominance with cheeky sow.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 29, 2011
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Hi all

My little cheeky mini, the smaller, possibly younger of the two has been rumbling for about 4 days now, nudging, and nosing and at the more placid, bigger possibly older maxi. I thought she was in season again but its going on too long. I've been watching them, now think its dominance. I've had them since October and noticed they didn't cuddle together, they were quite individual wee girls, so they've always had two of everything initially to stop maxi being the more dominant and taking all the food. Now, it looks as if Mini has had enough?

I've been reading all the posts and can't work out whether it may be her naughty teenage years as she is cheeky girl as well with me and moody, or problem with hormones? Her urine is also a lot stronger than usual, not all the time. She does a fair amount of marking. eating and drinking fine. think they may be about 1 year old approx.

Any advice welcome? :))
It sounds like Mini has reached a stage where she wants to renegotiate the terms of their relationship as she has grown up. Girls have hormonal phases, just like boys during the first year of their life, just not as dramatically - and some more noticeably than others. they are often triggered by a strong season. It will die down again eventually.
As Wiebke has said, it sounds like she has come to the time where she wants to renegotiate the pecking order. Sows can display lots of dominance and hormonal behaviour towards one another. Sometimes they can be quite rude to one another. Its nothing to worry about. take a quick read of the following sticky and it might help explain some of the behaviour you are seeing. Nothing to worry about and they should just sort themselves out with time.

Thanks again...just in the door and she's at it again...thankfully, maxi is quite placid..thinking on getting a boar later on this year but need to get bigger cage first...

thank you all..s
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