Dominance Sniffing?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Chicago, IL, USA
I have two males. They are from the same litter, but one is larger slightly than the other. My larger one (Herbie) has a habit of sniffing the smaller one (Alan) in the rear. When Herbie does this, Alan seems to not be too keen and hops away. They don't fight or bicker or bite, but I'm wondering if this behaviour is Herbie attempting to assert his dominance as the "big man on campus"? Has anyone else observed this?

I have two males. They are from the same litter, but one is larger slightly than the other. My larger one (Herbie) has a habit of sniffing the smaller one (Alan) in the rear. When Herbie does this, Alan seems to not be too keen and hops away. They don't fight or bicker or bite, but I'm wondering if this behaviour is Herbie attempting to assert his dominance as the "big man on campus"? Has anyone else observed this?


Bum sniffing is a getting to know a new guinea pig behaviour, getting a status update on health and - in a sow - on her estrus cycle (i.e. how soon she is about to come into season). It is rather the last that I suspect is going on with Herbie. Bum sniffing is not a dominance behaviour per se; I have seen it with both submissive and dominant piggies. Most have no problem with it unless it becomes excessive.

Bum digging for caecotrophs (special poos that get eaten again for redigestion) is typical for recovering guinea pigs desperate to restock the gut flora.
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