Dominance or bullying?


New Born Pup
Aug 6, 2019
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Hi all.
Looking for some advice please.
As some members know I recently bonded a 16 weeks old boar with my 7 year old boar. The baby was from a pet shop and had been living on his own for 2 weeks, which I believe has contributed to him being terrified of his own shadow.
I’ve had him out a couple of times over the last couple of days - he’s been here a week today - and whilst he’s petrified of us, once he’s settled a little in his snuggle pouch, he’s eaten a little bit.
I’ve been sat, several times a day, talking to him trying to coax him out with food and Yogi my 7 year old had been a nightmare! He won’t let him eat. He blocks him in so he can’t get towards me (not that he’s eager to come to me mind you!) and when I finally got the baby to meet me in the middle for a tasty bit of melon, he went and hid with it then Yogi took it off him! I saw Yogi try and get it and the baby pull his head away, stopping him, but seconds later Yogi clearly won. I'm so worried as I’ve never had a nervous baby. Our lovely boy we recently lost was chunky and happy and chirpy and I just don’t remember having to work this hard to win his affection and gain his trust. Is it worth me scatter feeding for a bit til the baby grows up and can stand his ground? Is his skittishness a contributing factor to Yogi being a little horror towards him?

We named him Ed but it just doesn’t suit him. I’ve renamed him Cinnamon but we’re still grieving Barney and it’s a bit of a struggle. I do love him but I think I’m more frustrated with Yogi’s behaviour cos Barney should still be here.

Cinnamon, and Yogi (left) and Barney 🌈(right) for advice tax ☺️ thank you all in advance.


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I am sorry for your loss and the problems you are having now. I always scatter food anyway, it keeps my piggies occupied looking for it. I hope a behaviour expert will be along soon.
I would definitely scatter feed both their veg and nuggets, it is something I do any way and make sure there is plenty of hay everywhere too including in their hides so that Cinnamon doesn't have to come out of hiding in order to eat. Only give them hides with two or more entrances so that if Yogi is blocking one entrance Cinnamon can find another way out. Stealing food, especially veg, off each other is normal piggy behaviour, just cut it into small pieces and scatter it, putting some in the entrances of where Cinnamon is hiding.
For now I wouldn't focus on hand feeding Cinnamon, he has a lot to adjust to just getting to know Yogi and to feel comfortable in his surroundings, once he is more settled and bonded then he can start to learn to trust you too.
I would definitely scatter feed both their veg and nuggets, it is something I do any way and make sure there is plenty of hay everywhere too including in their hides so that Cinnamon doesn't have to come out of hiding in order to eat. Only give them hides with two or more entrances so that if Yogi is blocking one entrance Cinnamon can find another way out. Stealing food, especially veg, off each other is normal piggy behaviour, just cut it into small pieces and scatter it, putting some in the entrances of where Cinnamon is hiding.
For now I wouldn't focus on hand feeding Cinnamon, he has a lot to adjust to just getting to know Yogi and to feel comfortable in his surroundings, once he is more settled and bonded then he can start to learn to trust you too.
Thanks for the advice. I’ve done this and am hoping that it’s working as Cinne is getting braver and I can hear him munching away from under a pile of hay a lot of the time.
He does come straight away when he hears my voice now but won’t get too close and if Yogi leaves me, Cinne follows - like he needs the security of Yogi being with him and won’t ‘risk’ one on one with the big human. We seem to be getting there. Very slowly.